Chapter 5

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As they soared down towards the stream, Star realised that she really did enjoy Sylvan's company.
Once they landed they sat down to wait for BlackHeart to meet them.
She took this opportunity to observe her surroundings. They sat facing the stream, it was glistening beautifully in the moonlight and made a gentle gurgling sound, accompanied by the soft chirping of crickets. As it's name suggested, the stream was surrounded by soft, pale sand. Further away from the water, there was short, soft grass the pair were sitting on, pale green in colour. The enormous oak trees that surrounded them let the moonlight shine down on the dragons and water. Beyond where the light reached, it was dark as coal, then Star noticed something, a pair of eyes, red ones.
She nudged Sylvan and pointed with the tip of her tail, "BlackHeart." She whispered.
He then emerged out of the darkness, " I wondered how long it'd take for you to notice me." He grunted, "Let's get going."
And with that they flew off quietly into the night, "Who's your friend?" BlackHeart asked Star.
"This is Sylvan." She told him, he grumbled a greeting which Sylvan replied to politely.
They flew on through the night for hours, over massive grass plains, littered with streams and rivers. Over expansive forests of oak, birch, pine and spruce. Over lakes larger than two breeze lakes put together, and rivers whose widths were larger than the nesting place.
The cool night air felt silky and refreshing on the tired dragons' wings as they flew the great distance. BlackHeart seemed indifferent about the distance they had traveled, whereas Star and Sylvan were tiring much faster.
They were tired to so great a level, that BlackHeart was forced to stop and allow them to rest.
During the period of rest, Sylvan asked, "Why do we have to travel so far tonight? May we not travel in daytime instead?"
BlackHeart looked at him critically, "Because we're going to travel day and night."
This surprised them both and it showed on their faces. "We'd better be going again" BlackHeart told them as he got up.
They solemnly nodded and followed him. To their surprise he didn't fly again, only walked. As they headed further Southward, BlackHeart increased the speed to a trot, then a lope and then a steady run.
Suddenly Star realised why, she nudged Sylvan and looked towards the sky, the pale, milky fingers of dawn were beginning to reach across the sky. He nodded to show he had noticed it too, and so they continued on to Dark Light Forest.
434 Words

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