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Are you ready?

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Jimin and Jungkook ended up eating ice cream while Jimin continues to question Jungkook.

" What do you think of me? " , he asked so suddenly, making Jungkook choke.

" Wh-what? " , Jungkook stuttered.

Jimin smiled and grabbed a tissue to wipe Jungkook's lips causing him to blush at his sudden gesture.

" What's with the sudden question, Jimin? " , Jungkook grabbed Jimin's hand to get the tissue and mumbled a thanks.

" Nah, nevermind. Just curious. " , Jimin shrugged and licked his ice cream.

It was actually still awkward.

Jungkook is still not used to be this close to his favorite youtuber, Jimin.

Someone cleared its throat behind them.

" Store's closing. Finish your goddamn ice creams. " , a guy with a purple hair said.

Jimin and Jungkook rushed finishing their ice creams.

* * *

" We never actually introduced ourselves properly, right? " , Jimin said while walking with Jungkook.

" Yeah." , he responded, biting his lip unconciously.

Jimin's eyes darted on his lips and gulped.

" Let me start. "

He cleared his throat before handing his hand to Jugkook.

" Hi! I'm Park Jimin, a youtuber with a channel called 'FluffyMochi'. You are? "

Jungkook bit his lower lip before holding Jimin's hand and he shyly smiled.

" The name's Jeon Jungkook. Nice meeting you, Jimin. "

Jimin shook their hands.

" It was very nice, Jeon. " , Jimin smiled at Jungkook also sending him a wink.

Jungkook chuckled and they let go of each ither's hands.

Another silence surrounding them.

Jimin still staring straight at Jungkook, who was still biting his lip, uncomfortable because of the silence.

Jimin rolled his eyes, mumbling ' Fuck this.'

Jungkook's eyes widened at shock when suddenly there's a soft thing above his own lips.

Jimin's eyes were closed, savouring the sweet taste of Jungkook's lips.

He, then closed his eyes and responded to Jimin.

After a couple of minutes, they separated away, both of their foreheads on top of each other.

They were panting from the lack of air.

Jimin held Jungkook's hand and enterlace their fingers.

" Lets date, Jeon. "

" CUT! " , shouted Hoseok.

" Great shoot, everyone. " , the five of them clapped including Jimin and Jungkook.

" After two days of shoot, we're finally finished! " , cried Taehyung acting like he hasn't slept a wink.

Jin slapped the back of Taehyung's head and scolded him.

" You slept the whole shoot, you jerk! "

Jimin and Jungkook joined the three who were behind the camera.

" Hyung. " , Jungkook tugged the hem of Jimin's shirt.

Jimin hummed and looked at him.

" Do you think they would like the sketch? "

Jimin smiled and pecked Jungkook's lips.

" Of course, baby. "

Jungkook smiled back with a blush on his cheeks.

" YAH! Lovebirds, you still have to film the ending scene. " , Hoseok shouted and lend them the camera.

Jimin turned on the camera to start recording and put his arm around Jungkook's shoulder.

" Hope you liked the video! " , Jimin started.

" Be sure to click the thumbs up, leave a comment and subscribe to our channel! " , Jungkook continued.

" This has been chimkook, see you all guys on the next skit! Bye, everyone! " , they said as they flew a kiss to the camera and closed it.

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turns out that jikook were lovers from the start and were only just filming a skit.....

☝☝ got the idea from this fmv

how was the twist at the end?

almost forgot to thank you guys!!




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