chapter 26

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Harry and Zayn sat inside of Zayn's car, eating a variety of jellybeans, M&Ms, smarties and more sugary sweets.

"I feel like swimming." Harry randomly mentioned.

"It's so fucking cold, Harry." Zayn laughed and pulled Harry more into his chest.

"I know." Harry laughed at himself and tilted his head up to nibble on Zayn's jaw. "I like your scruff." He mumbled and rubbed his smooth face against Zayn's stubble.

"Yea?" Zayn smirked and grabbed Harry's chin in his hand so that he could give him a quick kiss.

"Mm." Harry hummed into the kiss and shuffled to reposition himself so that he sat atop Zayn's lap.

"Harry, not here." Zayn's hands went to Harry's hips as he started to grind on him.

They were currently sitting outside a deserted petrol/gas station.

"No one's here." Harry whispered, stroking Zayn's cheek with his thumb.

"I know.. but anyone could just show up."

Harry licked his lips and gave Zayn a defeated look.

"Besides, I have an idea." Zayn mentioned and started the car once Harry hopped off.


"Am I allowed to be in here?"

"You're with me so you're fine. Said you wanted to swim."

"How did you even get the keys?" Harry laughed.

"I made friends with the workers." Zayn shrugged like it was nothing - well it was nothing to him. He shrugged off his parka. No one was ever in here at night, let alone three in the morning.

He had brought Harry to the soccer academy and the two were currently standing near the indoor heated pool.

"I was just half serious." Harry grinned but peeled off his clothes nonetheless.

Zayn watched Harry dive into the pool, making it look incredibly effortless. Once he had surfaced again, he locked eyes with Zayn as he floated and slowly swam to the edge.

He was beautiful to Zayn. The way the water glided off of his flawless skin, how his wet hair was styled perfectly - as if done for a high fashion photoshoot - he was just gorgeous. Flawless. Harry swam to the shallow end of the pool and once his feet touched the floor he walked towards the edge of the pool and looked up at Zayn.

"Come swim with me?"

Zayn shook his head and smiled softly. "Can't swim."

"It's shallow. I'll teach you the basics." Harry tried convincing him with smiling eyes and Zayn laughed, sticking his tongue between his teeth. Harry licked his lips and raised his hand, extending it to Zayn. "I'll look after you.. Keep you safe." Zayn's smile slowly eased until his lips pressed together in a relaxed line and Harry turned his hand so that his palm was facing up. "I promise." Zayn couldn't say no to Harry. Not with how he was looking right now. So he pulled his shirt over his head and took off his jeans and shoes and grabbed Harry's hand. "Don't worry." Harry placed his hand on Zayn's side as he got in. He still held onto his hand and could feel him trembling. "See, it's okay." He grinned when he saw Zayn calm down once his feet touched the floor and his head was still above the water.

Zayn laughed and ran his free hand through Harry's hair and let it come to rest on the nape of his neck.

Harry let his eyes close and Zayn kissed his cheekbone, under his eye, the bridge of his nose - all making Harry's smile grow wider and wider until he finally settled against his lips. "Wanna let go of my hand so I can teach you how to float?" Harry whispered against Zayn's lips once he broke the kiss.

"Not really." Zayn replied honestly with a nervous chuckle.

"Just lean back. I'll keep my hands under you all the time, okay? Trust me."

Zayn tried to let go of Harry's hand, but he couldn't.

"I'm scared, Harry. I don't have control like this."

"But you have me, and the worst that could possibly happen is that you get a bit of water up your nose." Harry said with his signature easy grin that seemed to put Zayn at ease, albeit a bit.

Zayn took a deep breath in and leaned back and Harry's hand follows to rest under the middle of his back.

"You'll have to let go of my hand." Harry laughs and Zayn gently let's go. "Okay, now, feet up." Harry instructed and Zayn felt both hands under him.

Zayn lifted his left leg and then his right, but quickly floundered in the water when he felt himself begin to sink and with that, quickly panicked.

"Hey, I've got you," Harry was about to assure him that it was okay but Zayn was already out of his arms and back onto his feet with his heart racing.

"Didn't feel like you had me." Zayn said and moved to lean his elbows on the edge of the pool.

Harry wiped the water that Zayn had splashed on him from his face and swam over to him. He turned Zayn around to kiss him and wrap his arms around his neck to hug his wet body. "Zayn, you've got to trust me and yourself." Harry whispered into his his ear. "Try again." He pulled away and waited for Zayn to join him again. "Now, try to relax. Close your eyes and trust in your body." Harry said in a gentle voice as Zayn dipped his head back and allowed Harry to raise his legs. "See, just like that."

Zayn clung onto Harry's voice, the tone, the words, everything made him feel better - safer.

"I'm going to slowly let go, okay?" Harry warned and Zayn opened his eyes. "First your legs..okay?"

".. Okay."

"Don't stiffen up." Harry chuckled and Zayn let his eyes fall shut again. "Now, your back." Harry said, still in that calm voice of his and gently let his hand float away. He smiled down at a tranquil looking Zayn. "You're floating."

Zayn smiled and kept his eyes closed. "It feels nice." He said, feeling a bit brave and allowing himself to outstretch his arms.

"Ready to freestyle?" Harry teased and Zayn got back on his feet, laughing on the way.

"Not just yet." He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and inched closer to Harry. "Thank you."

"For helping you float?" Harry grinned and let his eyes close as Zayn hummed and brushed his nose against Harry's.

"For looking after me. Keeping me safe." As Harry always did.

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