The Crash (Chapter 7)

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Ally sprinted downstairs wearing her Raimon Soccer uniform, she arranged the strap of her bag on her shoulder. She looked in the living room and saw that her entire family was there, they were all talking together. Ally didn't want any part of it so she ran to the kitchen and made pancakes from the toaster (it works for me seriously XD).
As soon as stye toaster clicked, she picked up both the pancakes and started to chew on one. Suddenly she heard Gladys call Ally's name.
"Ally? Could you come here please?" She asks from the living room. Ally picked up the other piece of food and ran to the living room as she chewed on.
"Yeah? What's up mom?" She asks when she makes her way to the door and walks in, she soon notices that she had quite a worried face.
"Honey, could you come with me for an hour? I called your school, told them you'd be back in an hour or so." Gladys asked her, her voice choked slightly.
Ally widened her eyes. "Huh? Why? Did something happen? Actually, where's Ona?"
Her mother shook her head. "Something did happen quite a long time ago, but I wanted to show you something you might want to know. You'll know when you get there." That's all she said until they both got into her car and drove away from home, Ally also noticed that her mother ignored Ally's question. Which concerned Ally, she bit her lip and breathed calmly, trying to keep all bad thoughts off.
Ally rested her head on her palm but she soon jolted up when she saw that they were going to a hospital. She looked over a her mother, panick filled her eyes but she soon calmed down when her mother shook her head. Ally was thinking of her grandmother, but she believed nothing was wrong with her, so she sighed in relief and followed her mother inside the hospital.

Gladys walked up some stairs, Ally following her closely. She warily narrowed her eyes around the pure white walls of the hospital, she felt very uneasy and claustrophobic, she started to sweat in panick. After a few minutes of walking in a hallway, Ally's mother soon stopped in front of a door and stood there with her head slightly hung over. Ally shuffled her way in front of her and looked at the name on the door, she became pale when she saw what it wrote.

Julia Blaze

Ally uneasily looked up at her mother recognising the last name "Blaze". Gladys opened the door and there on the bed was a little girl with spiky brown hair, Ally approached her and stared at the young girl. She seemed fine and seemed to be sleeping soundly.
"That's Julia. Axel Blaze's little sister." Her mother spoke up finally, she looked down at Julia before continuing. "You see, she's been like this; in a coma, for almost a year. She was on her way to see her brother play soccer but... she got into a c-car a-accident.." she stammered with a slight sniff. Ally didn't move, she stared at the girl, tiny drops of tears started to appear in her eyes but she breathed in and rubbed them off.
"Mum? Is that why.. Axel won't play in out team? Because he played soccer during her accident?" She asks shaking slightly. Gladys nodded and breathed in shakily.
"I think we should go quickly hun, Axel usually visits her on mornings." Gladys stated before turning around and leaving. Ally gripped the bed's handle, she bit her lip and calmed down before releasing the handle and following her mum. Gladys huge paged her daughter before they both headed downstairs, as they walked down Ally almost shrieked when she saw Axel walking up the stairs. She guessed he was heading up to his sister, he noticed Ally and stopped to let Glayds pass.
"Hey." He greeted Ally.
She nodded. "Yo." She replied quietly but loud enough, she waved slightly as well before walking to her mom again. But she soon stopped when she heard him say another thing.
"You saw her didn't you?" He asks, his back turned towards her.
Ally sighs. "Yeah, I'm sorry man.." she apologised she then finally chased after her mother leaving Axel to visit his sister. She felt embarrassed, as she walked back with Glayds she though of the different things she could've said to Axel. But she quickly shook it off, telling herself she couldn't say anything else anyway.

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