Chapter 1 (intro)

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-not edited-



I pulled down my cropped grey tshirt attempting to get the creases out. I watched the tshirt spring back up revealing all the agains wrinkles. I sighed repeating my action even though I knew it would never accomplish anything. It was just to get my mind off my performance.

The street was busy. It always was every Saturday at 11:30pm. I wondered sometimes if there was someone in the crowd who came here every week just to see me. Though I knew it was false I always wished I had an secret admirer or supporter who would one day save me from this dying lifestyle.

I finally gave up on stretching my tshirt when Coach began speaking.

"You nervous," his voice was gruff. I looked up at him. He never seemed to change. His hair was peppered black and grey, his eyes always seemed sunken and he always wore his battered 'farmers coat'.

"A bit," I said biting my chapped lips. Usually I was quite relaxed however recently coach has mentioned that less people are willing to give money so we have to step up our game.My safety depended on how much we collected.

"Don't be," he replied bluntly then he pressed play on the tatty CD player we had been using since I started. 

As soon as the music started I felt at ease and adrenaline pumped through my body, I started my performance; pirouetting, leaping, cartwheels, splits, forward flips and back flips. The music cut off and I stood there with my foot pointing straight above my head heart racing, vision blurred but a massive smile plastered on my face. My eyes scanned the growing crowd and I saw T had joined giving me a thumbs up. I gave him a smirk before the next song began to play.

At the end of the songs a large crowd had gathered giving me a heart warming applause. I watched coach the go around with a collection bucket until T blocked my view.

"That was good Jazzy," Tom said using my pet name which I hated.

"You know Jazmine isn't that long to say, Even Jaz is shorter," I replied rolling my eyes.

"And I thought you were in a good mood," he spoke pinching my cheek.

"Ow," I yelled at him swatting him off then tending to my cheek. "You're stronger than you think," I said glaring at Tom.

"Oh no, that was on purpose," he chuckled. I continued glaring at him.

I took in all his features. He was good looking, with healthy dark brown to black hair and light brown eyes. The only off side was his annoy personality. He noticed I was staring and gave me a smirk before I rolled my eyes and walked over to Coach.

"Good work kid," he said patting my head. I cringed knowing he messed up my hair but didn't want to argue.

"Thanks coach," I gave a small nervous smile.

He began walking and we automatically followed him knowing we were heading back to the flat.


My head was banging. Tom had been listening to this stupid techno music on full blast for two hours now. He was downstairs and I was upstairs which either proves how good his speakers were or how poorly thin these walls are. I would conclude with both.

I had been lying on my bed for 2 hours trying to sleep but honestly it had proven to be a waste of time. I sat up on my bed and scanned the tiny room. My room had barely enough room for the door to open with the bed in it. The Carpet was pointless and scratchy. I had a tall mirror which was surrounded by my hair and make up products. I also had a large window which let in lots of light and a small wardobe in the corner.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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