Chapter 2 *redone*

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Levi POV

I woke up at 5:30 to get ready for a long boring day of teaching brats. I knew the routine well it had been the same for years; wake up, get ready, go to work, come home and clean, eat dinner with a glass of wine, then go to bed. It frankly started to become boring, doing the same thing everyday. I just needed a distraction. Maybe a boyfriend or a club.

I didn't get to think about it too long before my phone dinged, notifying me I had a text. I picked up my phone and types in my password only to see that my boss, Erwin, had sent me a message.

Erwin(boss): Hey short stuff are you coming to work today?

Levi: Unfortunately yes, why do you ask?

Erwin(boss): The school counselor told me to alert you of a new change in your class.

Levi: What are you talking about?

Erwin(boss): Never mind, I'll have Hanji tell you when you get here.

Levi: Whatever

I scoffed and put my phone down on my bedside table and continued to get ready for my day. Erwin always confused me, one minute he believes he needs to tell me important information then he decides he doesn't want me to know, but whatever. He is overall a nice man, and I would consider him an option for a boyfriend, but I don't bottom and I have a feeling he doesn't ether.

After I finished my morning routine I put on my shoes, grabbed my car keys, made my way out of my apartment building, and started to drive to work. Along the way I saw a student walking his way towards the school, thought I didn't believe he would make it on time, I didn't offer him a ride. Honestly I couldn't be bothered with brats outside of work.

Hey guys, so this story is going to be a lot different than it was when I started writing it. I had read through all of the previous story and it moved a bit too fast for my liking, and there was definitely some really cringe things that I couldn't believe I even wrote. I am sorry if you were hopping the rewrite would follow the cross-dressing thing for Levi, but I honestly didn't like the idea and I want to try and stay interested in this story so I can continue to be inspired enough to write more chapters. Once again I am sorry to disappoint anyone, but I hope you like the new plot just as well.


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