The Red SunDress

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[insert picture of Stiles in full drag wearing a dress makeup and wig] Scott my new wig and dress came in! -SS (sent to Derek by mistake)

That color doesn't suit you nearly as well as red would. -DH

oh my god -SS

you weren't supposed to see that -SS

you cant tell anyone -SS

Oh, no worries. -DH

I'll just save it for...purposes.-DH

what do you mean? -SS

[changing subject] You look great in mascara. Really brings out your eyes too. -DH

you really think so? -SS

...Yeah. Do you still have it on? -DH

yes -SS

I also changed into my red sun dress.. -SS



No wig.-DH

you don't like it? -SS

I love your hair. -DH

[insert picture of Stiles without the wig blushing in a red sundress and the same make up as before except now he was wearing red lipstick] -SS

Keep it on. -DH

I'm coming over.-DH

I can't drive over to your house in this what if some one sees? -SS

only you Scott and my dad know about this..-SS

That's why I'm coming over, Stiles. Is the sheriff home? -DH

no -SS

Keep it that way. -DH


do you only like me this way?...-SS

Oh god, no.-DH

I've known you were my mate for a while, it's just...-DH

I am? -SS

Yes, Stiles. And I wanted to tell you, but I didn't think you...because of Lydia...and. -DH

I love you -SS

so no worries about anyone else when it comes to me -SS

[insert picture of Derek in a tuxedo with a lime green bow tie, holding up a sign that says 'I Love You Too' in bold letters.] -DH

i'm going to kiss the crap out of you when you get here -SS

Funny you should say that. -DH

Look outside your window. -DH

[insert Stiles in the same outfit holding up a peice of paper that says 'Taken by Derek Hale'] -SS

Stiles walked over to the window and opened it smiling down at Derek and then stepping back to let him into the room

Derek immediately pushes him against his bedroom door, clicking it shut, pulling him into a long kiss, before pulling away slightly with a huge grin.

Stiles kissed back and blushed when he pulled away "I feel a bit ridiculous dressed like this in front of you..."

Derek looks Stiles up a down before leaning to whisper in his ear. "You won't be wearing anything much longer. Don't worry." He growls at the end, before shoving the teen onto his bed.

Stiles mumbled "wait Derek....i've never um...i've never done anything...with anyone"

Derek's eyes softened, and he leaned over Stiles to peck his cheek softly. "It's okay. We don't have to do it if you don't want to. But if you do, I promise to be gentle with you." He says softly, kissing his neck, claiming him as his.

Stiles took his hand and mumbled "I want to but...not here...not while i'm dressed like this...I want to look like /me/ when we do this...."

Derek smiled at that, pulling his mate up off the bed in one pull, holding him protectively in his arms. "Let's take a bath, shall we?" He says cheerfully, linking arms with Stiles.

Stiles rolled his eyes and kissed him and said "you just want to get me naked.." he then led him into the bathroom and turned around and said "wanna get the zipper for this for me?"

Derek took no time at all, unzipping the back, and spinning him around, tugging it off the boys body in one swift pull, careful not to rip it. Because, hell if he didn't love Stiles in that dress. "Care to get mine?" Derek asked cheekily, gesturing to the zipper on his dress pants.

Stiles smiled and undid the zipper and button and then whispered "I love you.." he then leaned forward pressing himself against Derek in only a pair of lacy red panties

Derek slipped a thumb into the band of the panties, slowly pulling them down. "Love you too." He says, and tears the ret of his suit off, quite literally, only leaving the bow tie around his neck. He steps into the large tub, now filled with soapy water, pulling Stiles in with him.

Stiles squeaked as he was pulled into the water and then giggled laying against Derek as the sat in the water he then untied his bow tie and tossed it away before grabbing a rag and wetting it wipping all the make up off his face and then smiling at Derek and mumbling "hi.."

Derek wiped over the smudge of mascara under his eye. "Beautiful." He whispers, kissing Stiles deeply, tracing his tongue over his bottom lip. "I'll love you no matter what." He says again, slipping Stiles in front of him, absent-mindedly playing with his hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2014 ⏰

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