Unyielding Conflict - Lindo & Rem

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Episode 9


Lindo: I won't let anyone have her.

Rem: She is dear to me.

Lindo: I won't let anyone touch her.

Rem: I want to be touching her.

Lindo: I don't care if it's just us two in this world,

Rem: Even if it goes against my destiny.

Lindo: Know now with every fibre of your being,

Lindo: Just how much I love her.

Rem: A deeper pain than the wounds my body bears.

Rem: I feel a tightening just to think of her.

Lindo: What's wrong? Guess the devils' power is fading, too!
Rem: Whoever you are, you're no enemy of Rem Arlond!

Lindo: My little shine,

Lindo: You shine on me in my lonely times.

Rem: My love, a sign!

Rem: You've stolen my eternity away.

Lindo: You're too dear – I so long to hold you, I'm falling apart.

Rem: It's too heart-breaking – I want you so badly, it's burning me up.

Both: It can't be stopped! I want it all,

Both: These feelings are non-negotiable,

Both: I don't want to let her go,

Both: She's my destiny.

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