Let me explain this no story it's real note from a real club and how it became and how it broke down. When your the owner of a club there's pros and cons here's a pro there's girls involved here's a con you need "responsibility." now im s.j. and my main friends are Zach, Bryson, Diana, and Jason. Without theme none of this would of been posable. Now FdF first stands for fight defend fly yes if you draw I kite and erase some things it might make a shield to defend, a kite for fly, and a knights helmet for fight. Now the main thing is to get to change rules in a school or maybe to help each other through some stuff. but mainly its to beat the teachers! When I mean beat the teachers. One time Diana wrote a paper really fast and good when a teacher was being a jerk to her and hid it under her binder. Then she put a blank pease of paper on top. The teacher told her they were gonna have a talk but when we turned them she turned in a two paged long paragraph. she got the best of the teacher.
Now your probably thinking we're a bunch of bad kids being rude to teachers well no it's not true. When a friend is needing help because he's behind then we'll help him. But if the student is flat out down right bad then we tell him "shape up."
The FdF
HumorWhen a student at gold shield middle school decides to make a club to help others and get revenge from the mean teachers there. He has to face the most hard challenge of his life and suffer the punishment or praise to the reward.