my smile was taken long ago

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hey guys, I proudly present you my first Slipknot fanfic ever. It's a oneshot describing Corey's thoughts while shooting the music video for Snuff. Of course, this is what my head made of it (watch the making of on youtube if you haven't so far!!!), Corey never said, about who Snuff really was written.

I hope, you enjoy it - leave a review if so!


*Corey's POV*


"Hey Corey, are you ready?", Clown asked as I entered the room.

To be honest, I wasn't quite sure, if I was ready. We were shooting the music video for Snuff today and I just read the concept for the video. It was a cool idea, for sure...but I was afraid of it. What, if I got too emotional again? I didn't want to cry or freak out in front of the whole film team...

"Okay, first we're shooting you standing in the hallway and following Ashley to her flat, Malcolm is watching you. Then we've got the scenes, where you're alone in the apartment, the crossdressing part will be at the end of today. You ready?"

I silently nodded, "c'mon Corey, just do it", I said to myself.

I followed the crew members to the studio where they'd built the front door and the hallway. The two other actors – professionals – were already there.

"Hey, I'm Corey", I smiled and waved my hand.

"Malcolm, nice to meet you. This is Ashley.", the elderly man said.

We shook hands, the woman gave me a friendly hug.

"Okay guys, camera's rolling. Corey, you're standing outside of the building, Ashley just entered. Malcolm, you're watching the screens, ready to open the door. Let's go.", Clown shouted.

We all went to our places, they playback started and I rang on the door. I tried to ignore the music and forget about the lyrics, I just focused on the role I had to play.

Malcolm opened the door for me and watched me walking down the hallway. I shortly smiled at him before I looked down again. Ashley just entered the last door on the left and closed the door behind herself. A camera man came closer to my face, I bit on my lips and went to the door she just closed.

"Great Corey, great. Now fight with yourself, if you ring or not!", PR, the other director shouted.

I put my hand on the door, just as I wanted to knock, then hesitated. My hand was resting on the door now, the other one in my trouser pocket.

"Put your head on the door, Corey. I need more emotions, you're desperate. You want to see her!"

Why her...who even had the idea, that this song necessary needed to be about a woman? Okay, I was drifting away, I needed to ban these thoughts.

Just as PR said, I put my head against the door and let out a sigh. I stayed in that position for some seconds, before I turned around.

"Fuck it", I murmured and went down the hallway to "my" apartment door.

"Cut! Good job, Corey. Can we just do the scene again, where you're close to knocking? I need so see your face. Put the hat a bit back, I only see shadows in the camera!", Clown said.

I did so, went back to the door as the playback started. I tried to fake the emotions they wanted to see.

"And cut! Way better Corey. Now, go to your apartment. You need to get the feeling, okay? You're realizing, that she's gone, you can't get her back. You're alone now."
Hell yes, I was...and the person, the song was about, was truly gone. Forever.

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