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Author's Note

(F/B)= Favorite bias. (K-pop term)



"Ok, first you leave me with the early morning hipsters, then with the lesbians with weed socks? Give me a break," Petra complains as we lock up shop for the day.

"What, do you have a problem with lesbians?" I ask her.

She shakes her hands, "No, no! It's nothing like that! It's just that they always cat call me, and I don't find it funny!"

"Well, they like your looks. Isn't that supposed to be a good thing?" I replied.

"My God, Levi! You're impossible!" Petra throws her hands up into the air, "I don't know how I can stand you!"

I smirk, "Me either. Seriously, your hair can't be that color, it has to be dyed."

She places her hands on her hips, "Are you calling me fake?"

"Pretty much," I answered. Petra groans at my answer, "Hey, don't take it personally."

"Oh, ok then," All of the sudden, her face becomes red and her hands clasp together, "Hey, could I ask you something?"

I set a mop aside, "Depends, but go ahead."

Petra sighs, "So, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out this weekend. There's going to be this huge concert at Stohess Arena, and I'd like to have a friend come along with me."

I found this extremely ironic, since it was I who was going to be performing at the concert, "I'm sorry, Petra. But I'll be busy that day."

"Really? Why?" she asks me curiously.

"Well," I rubbed the back of neck, "I, uh, have to visit my family. It's been some time since I've last seen my mother and uncle, so I've decided to visit them this weekend," I lied.

"Oh, I see," she looks down, "It's alright. It's best to be with the ones you love, after all."

"I guess so," I said, now at the door, "I'll see you later, Petra."

"Bye, Levi!' she chants. My skin begins to feel sticky with the sudden humidity. Summer's here, I thought. This time, I had taken my motorcycle to work. I placed the helmet onto my head, and started the engine. The familiar rumble of the motor began, and I drove towards my place.

It was a bit too humid for it to be nighttime, yet the moon was up high in the sky. Traffic, however, was still going to be a bitch. I decided to take an alleyway, which got me home quicker than I thought it would. After I stored my motorcycle, I entered the apartment building and took the elevator to the thirteenth floor. To my surprise, Erwin, my agent, was walking down the hall, "Ah, Levi. I thought you'd be back by now."

"You got that right," I answered, "What do you want?"

"There are some matters I'd like to discuss," he informs me.

"Alright then. Be my guest," I unlock my apartment door and invite him in, "What are these 'matters'?"

"It's your guys' next album. I've already talked with Hange and Miche about it, but we need your voice on it," Erwin starts, "They've suggested new hair styles and and wardrobe." He places a folder in front of me, "Please look through it."

"Hmm..." I hummed as I went through the contents. Hange would straighten her hair, Miche and I would have it slicked back. As for the wardrobe, us guys would be wearing suits, and four eyes a white button up shirt with black high rise skinny jeans with boot heels, "Looks good."

"Yes, the slicked back hair would work perfectly since you don't normally wear it that way. Along with the suits, you'd have quite the official look." Erwin explains, "Now we need a theme."

"I think we should do a business or office theme if we're going for an official look," I pointed out.

Erwin nods, "I can't help but agree. There's more to come, but the studio just wanted the basics," He stands up, "I won't trouble you any further."

"You sure you don't want to catch a drink?" I offer.

He dismisses me, "No, I'm driving home in Ina few minutes. Everyone knows it's against the law to drive under the influence."

"You're a smart man, as always," I commented, "I'll see you around, Erwin."

"Goodbye, Levi," he says. Erwin opens the door and closes it almost silently, leaving me alone. I stand up and head to the bathroom. Under the counter, I had stored stored a few rolls of bandages. My hands reach for the nearest one and I set on the counter. I unwrap a meter of bandages and wrap it around my eyes and tied it, but made sure not to make it too tight.

I squeezed some gel out of the bottle nearby, and slicked back my hair with it. Another year, another persona, I contemplated. For a few minutes, I stared at myself in the mirror, wondering if I'd be able to pull this persona off.



Relieved, I began to dance (horribly) to 'Dope' by BTS, my mood better than usual. The professor announced that no homework would be given for the rest of the week. Ymir was gone, probably hanging out with Christa. She would most likely come back past curfew, which she always got away with.

I sighed at the sight of my bias, (F/B). He was absolutely perfect, and he nailed every one of his dance moves. I wish I could dance like them, I wished. Unfortunately, the song finally finished, allowing me to choose another song. All of the sudden, I received the urge to listen to that band Armin recommended me. No... What was it again? Ah, yes, No Name!.

I typed the words into the search bar and waited for results. The results from last name popped up, along with a few new reaction videos. This time, I looked through their list of albums. There were only two, Calamity's Call and Demeter is Mourning. Demeter is Mourning caught my attention, so I clicked on it.

At least nine or ten songs popped up, each with a picture of a Greek god or goddess. Names such as Persephone's Gone and Married to my Brother Zeus gave away the fact that the album's theme was Greek Mythology. Welp, this is weird, I thought as I switched to the next album. Calamity's Call was dedicated to modern society, as some of the songs were called On the Phone 24/7 and From Riches to Rags. I clicked on another song, this one named Got Away With Both Murder and Rape.

As always, they wore bandages around their eyes, except this time they were covered with 'blood'. The main vocalist sang in a much darker voice, like a villain.

A thought appeared in my mind, "Wait..." I murmured, "He looks an awful like that man at the café."

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