Chapter Ten

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<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px;">. Kioni's POV; 

When I woke up, the bed was empty, I stretched out as soft strips of sunlight started lighting up the room. It felt good. It took me a second to realize that the bed wasn't supposed to be empty. Kioni, you dopey shit.

Niklaus was nowhere in to found and I let out a raging 'humph' noise, my eyes fluttered open slowly as the light hit my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and reached to the side to grab my Iphone to check the time. I kind of broke my other one, it was a few weeks ago, my strength was at its all time high. It took a while for my eyes to make out what time it was. I began rolling out of the bed. But my legs gave way and I landed on the floor with a gigantic thud. I perked up my ears because I thought I heard something. Voices. If I wasn't a werewolf, I wouldn't have heard a thing. 

I could hear indistinct chatter before Rebekah burst into my room looking so frantic.

'Kioni, come quick!' She said, her breath turned into short pants. So like what the fuck's going on here?

I grabbed her by her shoulders and shook her at least 3 times to calm her down.

'Bekah, breath, look at me,' I cupped her face with my hands forcing her to look at me;

'What is happening?' My green eyes were filled with sympathy...I was just hoping she could see it. Finally putting herself together she said;

'Cain...he challenged Niklaus. They are going to fight now.'

My green eyes had became black with rage, I didn't know I had such a short temper. All sorts of emotions were running through my body at that moment.



That's pretty much all the emotions. Why the fuck would he want to challenge Niklaus? I honestly can't do this right now. Cain is a bastard. Geez.

Rebekah had left the room to wake up Izzi while I went into the bathroom to get changed. Today was going to be a mixture of blood, dirt and sweat so I spent like 30 minutes in the shower before I decided to put on a pair of shorts, a black tank top, my low black and white convereses. No make up. It would probably run down my face so I didn't bother. I didn't put so much effort into my so I tied it in a high bun. I walked outside, on my way to Izzi's room before I felt a hand grab me. 

Niklaus pulled me towards him, grabbed me by the of the neck and dragged my lips to his. It was a quick one but filled with sheer and intense passion; that made my stomach turn inside out. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss. He is an amazing kisser... I refuse to question what the kiss was I just went with it. Sadly he started to pull away from me, and I had to bite my lip from protesting, he gave one of he's sexy smirk's before turning away. Mikael grabbed my hand and gestured down the stairs. Izzi,Rebekah&Kailani had joined us along with a handsome young man. He was mixed race, with light brown eyes, pink full lips, fresh cut curly black hair and a smile that can make any girl melt, I bet he has girls falling to their knees just at the sight of him. I couldn't help but stare, he was so gorgeous. I snapped out of my trance, as I imagined Niklaus growling at my thoughts. His eyes locked with mine and he decided to introduce himself.

'Future Alpha,' he said bowing his head. Seriously..I understand I'm going to be an Alpha but just call me Kioni.

'My name is Jalen. Nice to meet you.' He extended his hand his hand for me to shake. I accepted gladly.

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