Daughter of Mine (Part Two)

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"We all know why we're here, (Y/N) would you like to explain yourself?" Max asked as he hurried in and sat down, not looking at Eric or Tori.

"Running to Abnegation gave my child the best chance to correctly decide on her faction." You said seriously and everyone seemed to be taken back.

"So, you were pregnant before you left?" Eric asked through gritted teeth.

"Yes, less than two percent of Dauntless children leave Dauntless I wanted to give my child a chance to experience a faction that had a higher..." Eric shook his head and stood up.

"Are you saying that she wouldn't have the chance to change factions if I raised her!" Eric snapped and Max motioned for him to sit.

"I do not regret my decision Max, she is smart and not a fighter, she would not do well in Dauntless." You explained and Max's eyes dropped to the little girl who was silently clinging to your hand, patiently waiting to be spoken to.

"Do you like Abnegation?" Max asked her and she frowned and though over her answer carefully.

"Yes, but we are not supposed to... I like making the food to give to the Factionless and I like talking with the Erudite people." She smiled sweetly and the group seemed shocked by her answer.

"Are you three?" Max asked dubiously.

"I am two years, eight months and three weeks and six days." She told him proudly.

"She's smart I'll give you that, alright you can go and wait for our decision." Max jerked his head towards the door, Tori shot you a smile while Eric chose to ignore you completely.

"You didn't have to change apartments." You sighed and Eric glared at you.

"I can't help you take care of her if I'm somewhere else." He sighed and you watched curiously as he pulled a blue box with Erudite's mark on the front. "Don't tell anyone I still have these."

"Eric I am in trouble with everyone who is above you, who exactly would I tell that could say anything about your Erudite stuff?" You asked and walked around the apartment you were now sharing with Eric and your daughter.

"Mommy clothes are itchy." The little voice came from the room at the end of the hall and when your daughter emerged she had her hair badly tied up and was dressed in a full Dauntless outfit.

"Here, why don't you wear your Abnegation clothes when we're at home?" You asked gently and she nodded, letting you untangle her hair as she found out a dress.

"She can't keep wearing that." Eric said from the doorway.

"Fine then she doesn't take the simulation to see which classes she'll be taking." You snapped and he took a deep breath.

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