XI》It's a dog eat dog world

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The phone had slipped from my hand and onto the carpeted floor. Ed had been desperately trying to snap me out of my locked daze, and finally my mind returned.

"E-ed...." he picks up the phone and guides me to the sofa. I sit down staring blankly. I only hear parts of ed's conversation; he said something about him taking me to the station.

"(Y/n) come on, we need to get to the station" he puts the phone back into the holder in the hallway. He puts my coat on me like I was a three year old child incapable of nothing. He pulled it over my shoulders and stared into my zombie dazed eyes. He pulls the hood over my head as it was now pouring with rain outside. He grabbed my hand and we ran towards his car, a blue Honda; CRV. I sat down into the cream leather seats. My bottom lip starts to tremble, I look across to Ed and he looks back at me. And then I burst into floods of tears, wailing while Ed cuddled and hugged me, embracing me like a baby.

"It's gonna be ok (y/n), we can get through this together. You are not alone, ok? Remember that (y/n)..." he squeezes my hand and I pull away from him. I sniffle and nod.

"Let's go"

Time skip~

"Shit" Ed hissed.

"Looks like the press already found out..." he pulls up onto the street outside. A police woman and man opened the door attempting to guide us through the demanding press. I and Ed pulled our hoods over our heads making sure the paparazzi couldn't see our faces. However it didn't stop them from peppering us with questions.

"(Y/n)! Did you know about this?!"

"Were you involved?!"

"Are you and Ed Sheeran in a relationship?"

"Were you a victim (y/n)?" But you know what made me laugh about these reporters? The fact that not one of them asked if I was feeling ok or if I needed help.

It's a dog eat dog world.

We finally stumbled through the glass doors of the police station, camera flashes still ongoing.

"This way ma'm; sir" they guided us towards the escalator and we went up by four floors, arriving with a 'ping'. The corridors were eerily dark, only a few lights flickered in the adjoining rooms. However at the end of the corridor a room awaited; shinning bright, glaring a harsh yellow light. A glass door, however the glass was opaque meaning I could only see blobs of unmoving people. The police woman slid the door open to reveal several people, four to be precise. Two police officers, one being Eld and the other being a girl that seemed very familiar to me. Black hair.... grey hair.... where did I know that face from?.... suddenly it clicked

"Mikasa?!..." she stared at me with tears in her eyes. She looked as though she was about to crumble like pastries (ha ha ed Sheeran the a team reference XD) at any second. She then returned her glance back to the surface of the wooden table.

Eld sat and the opposite end of the long table; as far away from Mikasa as possible. His head was hung low and a dark aura surrounded him. I was ushered to a seat roughly half way on the back side of the table; Ed sat next to me quietly. Another police officer walked in the room, he was obviously of a higher status due to his attire. His hair had greyed and he was about mid-fifties. He cleared his throat before speaking in a low deep voice.

"Eld Ginn; convicted of grooming, sexual assault and harassment. Mikasa Ackerman; supposed victim of Eld Ginn's crimes. Finally {full name} and Edward Sheeran; valuable witness or withholders of important information. The process; each person will be individually questioned in the adjacent room and then will return to this room after until the case is either resolved or comes to a point where the head court will take over" he looks towards me and Ed then to Mikasa.

"Eld Ginn will you please follow me into room" Eld was raised from the seat by an officer and was gently pushed into the room. As soon as they had left me and Mikasa stood up and ran into each other's embrace.

"I'm so sorry (y/n), this is all my fault! " she sobs into my shoulder.

"Never blame yourself over this Mikasa, if anything it's my fault, I should've seen the signs, they were right in front of me!" I angrily shake my head.

"Blaming yourselves isn't going to help girls" Ed walks up behind me giving us a supporting smile. Mikasa lets out a light chuckle.

"I have always wanted to meet you but I never expected to see you on terms like this..." she hangs her head low In shame.

"Hey don't worry about it, anyway I hope we can be friends, and friend of (y/n)s is hopefully a friend of mine." He smiles at her again the the edges of her mouth raise slightly.

"Yeah; I would like that"

"Anyway Mikasa sit down, tell me what has happened" we sat at the table and she explained the horrific situation she had been in.

"I work as a receptionist at the studios in London, we started talking and I had no idea at the time he was with you. We went out for a couple of drinks every once in a while; I suspected nothing. Then one day he.... he.... he touched me. I immediately shrunk away from him and tried to escape but he grabbed me and.... I don't want to say any more other than he didn't rape me just did some horrible things...." it's silent for a bit after she said that.

"When I left I was distraught, broken, shattered. I called off ill the next day for work. That was the day that I discovered you were his girlfriend, I was just scrolling through the cosmopolitan on Snapchat when I saw the two of you. Immediately I felt so guilty, I knew you could never find out otherwise you'd hate me. Forever. Eld found out my weakness and used it against me, blackmailing me to send him disgusting photos then using them as bribery for more. Saying he'd send them to journalists and start a public scandal. A public shaming. But one day recently Of all people Levi showed up to work. He asked if I was ok; he said he suspected something off about Eld. I was at the end of my tether really and Levi could tell. I refused to tell him why I was not my usual self but he gave me some advice that pushed me to reach out for help. He said 'Mikasa... whatever you're in, I'm here for you. I don't know whether the situation is this dire but if you call the police now he can't touch you and you'll be safe' That's what he said. Word for word. And I took his advice, which lead us to know and here."

"Christ... I'm so sorry Mikasa that he put you through that. I can't even imagine..."

"Don't, don't imagine it...." I embrace her once more and stare her dead in the eyes.

"Although it may not seem like it, just because I'm a pop star, just because we may live miles apart, just because I haven't seen you for 6 or 7 odd years does not mean I am not here for you. I am always here"


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