The morninng of the accident.

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The day was like no other, cloudy and dull. There was no telling what was going to happen that morning.

It was only 6:30 when Nena's mum woke her up for school. She didn't want to be late, did she?

" ugh mum. Why do I need to get up this early "

" it's your first day of the new school year darling! You just can't be late "

Nena got up picked a playlist and started to get dressed into her school uniform. It was black and grey, boring. She went to an all girl school called St. Bridget's, it was a very strict and prestigious school which meant no one was aloud to do anything. No makeup. No coloured nails. Everyone's hair either had to be up in a pony tail or down straight. Nena always wore her hair down. She had long, straight, sleek, black hair. Nena was a rebellious child she wore mascara and done her eyebrows for school everyday even thought she wasn't aloud to. She got told off sometimes. But usually they didn't notice since it was subtle. Nena wore black converse to school, She got told off for it though. Nena hated her school, more than hated actually. She despised it.

When Nena got downstairs for breakfast she discovered that her father had burnt her toast. This annoyed her, she liked her toast more like warm bread. She ate it anyway. When Nena got up to put her plate in the dishwasher her brother Sebastian came downstairs. Sebastian, although he was Nenas twin, was nothing like her. He was the golden child. He liked classical music and reading. They were unlike any other twins. They looked nothing alike. Yes, they both had black hair and brown eyes, but nothing else was similar. They were still best friends though. Sebastian went to an all boys school called St. Augustines his school was worse than Nenas.

When it was finally time to leave for school both Nena and Sebastian piled into the back of a very small, very cramped car. They're father drove them today. Usually mum would drive them both to school and back. The drive to school was short. It took only 15 minutes at the most. Sebastian's school was the first stop but this certain day he would not make it.

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