I have a sad story to tell right now.
So about a couple weeks ago, I was taken from my mom and taken into a group home with 9 other girls who are the most caring and supportful people that you will ever meet! When I first got there, they comforted me as i literally sat there and cried my eyes out. I don't really want to talk about the reason of why I am in this group home, but I know I will tell y'all in the future. Truthfully, I'm not even supposed to be on here, but i still am just for you guys. I breaking the group home rules right now. i'm not even allowed to be on any type of social media at all! it sucks, but it's for safety and security reasons though.
But thank you for 2.3K! This is amazing and it will be a while until I actually publish another story, so hang in there and be a little patient with me!
And THANK YOU to avalovely345 for literally giving me a total of 108 notifications in total for voting and commenting! I think that you just might be my favorite person right now! Thank you gurl!
And, Presley, if you are reading this, please know that I will come back! I will be back soon, even though it may seem like forever, i will be back! But when i'm gone, don't mourn. Rejoyce at every thought of me. Just know that i love all of you and I can't wait until we reunite on that fateful day!
This is a thank you and a keep up with me sort of thing, but i don't know if I'll ever be able to get back on here again! I mean I will, just not as much as I usually do! Thank you all and have a wonderful day!
BYE! :'(