Nothing but Explanations

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Somehow I ended up sitting on top of a huge counter in a kitchen that looked like it belonged to a millionaire, which Damien pretty much was. My eyes shifted from him to Danielle then to Mel before they settled on the clock that read 12:00 a.m. . I let out a sigh that was very dramatic but it expressed how I felt in that moment which was extremely hot and annoyed. I hated this heat thing because not only was I feeling sexually frustrated as Damien put it but also all I've been doing is sweating. which caused my hair to frizz up even more and I truly felt like a lion with a mane. All I really wanted to do was curl up in my bed with coco but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

"So I guess I should begin talking" Damien's voice brought me out of my thoughts and my eyes flashed back to his now normal blue eyes. I humped in my shoulders at his words before turning to Claire and Mel who look at me with some guilt in their eyes.

"Before you start why do your eyes keep changing colors?" I couldn't wait for his answer cause that question had been burning through my head.

"My eye change colors based on my mood. And if they are ever gold it means my wolf
is in control. Now let's get to the important stuff okay." He said with a little smile and I shook my head in agreement.

"I just want you to know Jas if I could have it any other way then I would never put you in this dangerous situation ." Damien started up again.

"As I've said before you are my soul mate and I'm so happy that you are but things are complicated. You're a human and in our community there aren't many who are fond of humans and even the idea of a wolf having one  as a mate is not welcomed. In other words it's against the lycanthropy council and laws to mate or even associate with a human." As he continued to talk a permanent frown was set on my face at the stupidity of what he was saying.

"But you can't choose your soulmate right? So how is it fair to tell someone who they can be with or not?" I said raising my voice.

"It's not fair but it is safer for our species to not interact with humans. If humans knew there would be too much fear and it would start wars. Wolves are already hunted by hunters and we don't need that population to grow."

"Wait are there any other things out there like vampires, witches, and were cats?" I asked even though I was scared of the answers. And of course Damien shook his head before saying "yes".

"So why is your town protected and why can I see it?"

"My town is protected because in this town we possess the most skilled and rare people such as healers, warriors, and wolves that see the future. They are constantly hunted by other supernatural species. And you can see my town because you're my mate which changes your status from just a human to royalty. only
royalty and the people apart of my pack can see it or if I want people to see my land then they can." Now I was shook and I knew he could see it in my eyes but he kept talking.

"I'm the Alpha King Jasmine. Which mean I'm apart of the royal Lycan family and I rule over all the packs in the world. They report to me about any changes and any problems. I also have my own pack which is the strongest in the world and most people here are the best at everything. But even though I'm the king everything I do still goes to through the Lycan council which are the elders; the most oldest and wisest wolves." He paused starring at me for a second. I was passed shook now and it surprised me that he still had more to say.

"You're in danger because one, being the Alpha king has gained me many enemies and I'm not sure if the news of you being my second chance mate is out. Then there is the fact that once the council finds out we are mates and if you accept me then not only would you be the Luna of my royal pack but you'd also be the Alpha Queen and us being together will be breaking one of the most important laws. Which most definitely would start war. But I don't care about any of that Jasmine. I'd do anything for you and I promise I will never let anyone hurt you. I can't let you go after I've found my second chance at being happy again." Damien voice became soft at the end and I sat frozen as my heart began beating too fast for my liking. I felt like this was all the info I could take.

"I- I don't want to be apart of this I can't. Oh fuck!" I was beginning to freak and that was never a good sign.

"Woah chill Jassy" Mel said finally speaking up. She slowly began to approach my shaking form.

"N-no Mel don't touch me!" I jumped down off the counter in a frenzy trying to catch my breath. I paced back in forward for a good minute before looking up at Damien.

"What happens if I don't want this" I said in a shaky voice. His eyes suddenly became golden and unshed tears gathered in his eyes.

"You're mine Jasmine!" He shouted with golden eyes and a raspy voice which indicated it was his wolf. Damien growled loudly before storming out of the kitchen and as the huge door shut I felt myself become overwhelmed with all the emotions I was feeling.

"I-I'm scared" I whispered out before a sob left my mouth. I leaned over on Mel's form and she hugged me tight holding on to me.

"Don't be scared Jasmine we are here to protect you and I know it all seems fast but Damien would risk his life for you Jassy and I would too. I'm so sorry Danielle and I have kept this secret from you but we had no other choice. We could even get in trouble for being so close to you but we don't care because we love you so much. Please forgive us and let us be here to protect and fight with you." Mel whispered in my ear as she rubbed my hair.

"You're okay, don't cry my love we are here for you" I heard Danielle say as she squeezed her way between Mel and I. They both held me so tight and with so much love I felt my fear and tears slowly stop. When they noticed I had calmed down they pulled away from me.

" You okay Jassy-boo?" Danielle asked taking a hold of my hand.

"Yeah I'm good" I replied sighing as I felt my head begin to pound.

"You won't be reject Damien Jassy. One he won't let you. Two I've seen the way you look at him, you won't be able to do it. And lastly
Damien may have had a mate before and I'm not sure how this is possible but I'm positive you're his one and only true mate. He could possible go rogue or even die if you reject him. And you would be in so much physical pain also from rejecting him. I know this is your decision and I just want you to be happy and healthy." Danielle said before kissing my cheek and leaving me in the kitchen with Mel.

"Mel-bel what I'm a going to do?" I said feeling my tears coming back to the surface.

" You've never been a quitter Jass. It's all up to you but I say Danielle is right. I know you feel something for Damien and I'm your best friend I already know what you're gonna do." She smirked at me as she also turn away walking out of the kitchen. I sighed for the millionth time today before going to look for Damien. I knew he'd either be in his room or the office Caleb showed me earlier. I checked his bedroom but when I couldn't find him there I went to his office where he sat with his head in his hands. He looked up quickly as I shut the door. His eyes were rimmed red and I felt my heart move.

"Listen I understand you don't want this. You have your whole life ahead of you and I'm an old man. You're too young to have to worry about this kind of stuff Jasmine so I understand." I knew his words were forced.

"Were you crying?" I asked softy as I moved over to stand in front of his desk chair .

"Does it matter?" He said as his eyes changed to a deep pink color. I starred in awe but then I felt my heart sink.

"Pink is the color for sad isn't it?" I asked already knowing the answer. He just shook his head. I moved to his lap feeling sparks all over when our skin touched.

"Damien I don't care about your age first off that never mattered. Because it's only a number. Secondly I'm sorry I was scared I didn't mean to make you sad or for you to hurt because of what I said. I just want you to know if you're willingly to fight for me than I want to try and work this out. But I want to take this slow. I know you aren't human and you Lycans probably don't do this but I want to date and slowly ease into this all because it's a lot but I really like you and i can feel that you really are my mate and I'd do anything for you too." By the end of my speech his eyes were a forest green and I smiled as his face lit up.

"What does the color green mean" I asked with a smile.

"I'm so happy Jasmine" was all he said before his lips met mine and it felt like sparks exploded. But I wish I knew in that moment that I should have buckled up sooner because this was going to be one hell of a ride.

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