Sometimes, a person sits down and thinks to himself or herself. Not necessarily very often but it happens. They think. Think about..something. Everything. All. Nothing. It's confusing, how our minds work. Children. Teengers. Adults. We all think. Some ways the same. Some ways differant.
Just imagene, as a kid you would see a box of crayons and you automatically would think of thousands of ways to use them. Yes, that includes eating them. As a teenager, you see crayons and think, "How can I make this an exciting, colourful explosion on the paper?" As for being an adult, I'm not sure, I haven't gotten there yet, but I'm excited to see what the future has in store for me.
An interesting part of the mind - or what I find interesting - is that while we all have the same senses, we at the same time for opinions in entirely differant ways. We taste things, hear things, see things, smell things, and even feel things...differant. No two people are the same. For if I were to say "Squirrel" Most of you are going to picture a squirrel withing your minds, but some, may think of a memorable incident that happend with a squirrel, or maybe you'll think of a squirrel which will make you think of a tree leading on to the thought of paper, which reminds you of books, now this might make you think of moby dick, making you think of sea creatures, then sea horses, next thing you know, you are thinking "I wonder if there is such thing as sea squirrels?". The mind acts in such amazing ways such as this.
The interesting thing is, I doubt any of you who decided to read this actually thought those exact things as I just did. Not until you read them, of course. Our brains are amazing for in almost every way we have our differances.
Talents, we all have them. Some may say that only a few of the things we choose to do are out of creativity, but everything that you and I do are you of creation of the mind., therefore they are all creative, but that's just my opinion, and we all think differantly. So when you use your talent, whether it's drawing, acting, singing, scientific knowledge, archeology, anyhting that you are good at, that is your version of creativity. You may not have found your talent, but one day you may be a famous author, or a comdian, or scientist. This can all happen because of the amazing acts of your mind.
The question is, how does it do that? How does it work? I may find out but for now I'm in the mind of a curious teenage girl. I'm making it through with the curiosity of my amazing mind. All of this was written on the spot, with absolutley no preplanning, all thanks to my strangley interesting mind...