Saving Niall Horan

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Jamie's POV

It was 8:30 I couldn't even be bothered getting out of bed and I was running late to school and then I remembered what day it was. It was one direction day the day I got to meet my favourite, Niall Horan!!! I jumped out of bed. Today was the day one direction was coming to visit our school. I guess your wondering why their coming to our school, well there was a competition all over the news me and my best friend Lily decided to get permission from the principal and enter we were so happy but we knew we had 1 out of 100000000000 chances of winning so we didn't get our hopes up. After waiting two months checking the website every day they finally loaded it we were so happy and we couldn't even believe it. After we calmed down we went straight to school and told the principal he was thrilled and happy as the school would be all over the news. I got ready in five minutes and walked to Lily's house.

When we got to school everyone was talking about the excitement. One direction would arrive in just one hour. Me and Lily had decorated the school with posters and pictures in every corner of the school. We were the ones that got to talk at the assembly and welcome them in as we were the ones that made this happened. We waited out school for the whole hour finally a black limo turns up with one direction written on the side of the limo. Me and Lily screamed so loud that everyone was starring at us. Their manager started to walk toward us. He came up to us and said " Hi I'm one directions manager you must be Lily and Jaimie ." " Hi it's nice to meet you welcome to Saint Mary's I'm Jamie and this is Lily it's a pleasure to meet you." We showed him a map and told him to lead the limo around the back.

Lily and I waited outside the back door where we instructed the manager to bring the limo. After five minutes the limo turned up we watched the boys get out one by one we couldn't stop staring it was like a dream. The boys started walking towards us, we couldn't believe what was happening and we didn't want this day to end. Niall spoke first he said in the most lovely voice " hi girls how's it going." Lily and I were speechless we didn't know what to say. Lily said in a nervous voice " hhhhiiiiiiiiii I'm Lily and this is Jamie it's a pleasure to meet you." Niall smiled at us with the best smile I've ever seen, this was a moment I wouldn't forget in my whole life.

The assembly was about to start everyone was talking so loud I couldn't hear myself think. Lily was busy talking to the other boys while I was admiring Niall. I started day dreaming until I got distracted it was Niall " you right there?" "Oh sorry I didn't mean to stare at you it's just your absolutely beautiful." I said in an embarrassed voice. He gave me another one of his beautiful smiles.

The principal came up to me and told me to start the assembly. I walked out onto the stage and tapped the microphone. I started to talk " hi everyone welcome to assembly as we all know this isn't an ordinary assembly, one direction will be performing a few songs from their latest album, midnight memories." Lily spoke shortly after me and then everyone cheered as one direction came on stage. I went backstage and pulled the curtain everyone cheered as they saw the five boys standing on the stage with microphones.

Once the show finished girls lined up to get an autograph and a photo. I decided to get mine after with Lily. I went backstage and talked to Harry and Louis. It was still very hard to believe I was talking to one direction. I decided to ask them if they could possibly follow me on twitter. Louis and Harry both said sure I was so happy that words couldn't describe it I simply said cool as I didn't want them to think I'm a wierdo.

When Niall came back from the autographs I said " Good job you were great out there." He thanked me. It was quite awkward none of the boys were saying anything and neither were me and Lily. Finally Liam said " So do you girls want to have a picture." Lily nodded. We decided to have one all together, I got to stand next to Niall it was amazing he put his arm around me. After the photo the boys went and talked to the manager, they came back with something in their hands me and Lily couldn't work out what it was. Niall comes up to us and says " Here you go two tickets to our concert in America." I answered so excitedly " OMG WHERE GOING TO AMERICA!!!!" Niall answered laughing " Oh I almost forget here's your plane tickets." Lily said so loudly " THANK YOU SO MUCH !!"

After calming done we went back on stage with one direction and thanked everyone for coming and the boys. We said goodbye to one direction and gave them a hug they told us they would see us soon but we didn't understand how as there was going to be thousands of girls. We looked at the ticket and realised it was a meet and greet we will even more excited even though we already had a conversation with them. The bell rang and we went back to our lockers and got our bags. We literally ran home running into my mums room and screamed " WHERE GOING TO AMERICA!" My mum answered confused " wait wait hold up there is no way I can afford this." Lily answered calmly " well you don't need to pay the boys gave us free concert and plane tickets all we need to pay for is accommodation.

When Lily's mum came and picked her up our parents discussed it after about an hours they came to my room and explained to us " You girls can go on one condition." " Which is?" Lily said nervously. " That you behave and ring us every night." Lily's mum said in a serious voice. "Of course mum" Lily said excitedly. We started screaming again today was possibly the best day of my life. Lily and her parents ended up staying for dinner we had lasagne mine and Lily's favourite. After Lily left I started making a list of all the places I wanted to visit in America, it was my dream to go to America and even better it was basically completely free. We decided when we got the tickets to keep quiet as we didn't want it going around school and everyone getting jealous.

After school we went to the shops and bought a calendar. We planned to use it to count down. We still had two months it seemed like forever. I was in English and I heard my phone buzz I pulled it out making sure the teacher didn't see me. There was a notification saying Harry Styles wants to follow you. In the next hour I felt my phone buzz about 100 times I was getting more and more followers by the minute just because of one person it was amazing one direction is amazing for making this happen. When I got home I was up to 1000 followers I checked Lily's she was on 500. I had homework for the first time this week, it was extremely difficult to concentrate I know I'm addicted to one direction but the only thing I could think of the whole time was Niall Horan. I wanted to see him again I missed him so much.

After two hours I finished the boring part of homework, studying for the maths test. Next was the fun part we had to write a biography on our hero, of course I was doing one direction in particular Niall Horan. I was going to write about their adventure and how it all began. It was a good subject to be writing about as I couldn't stop thinking about them. I decided to do it in poster form as we had the choice of how we were going to present the information. I printed all the info and an amazing picture of the boys I then sent it to the boys on Instagram as they started following me on their too, they absolutely loved it. I also sent a snapchat to Lily she said it was amazing.

Everyday after school we marked the calendar, it had only been 10 days we still had 50 left. The next day my mum and I went to Lily's house to organise some things for the trip. We were going to New York as the concert was at Madison Square Garden. We decided to stay at the Ace hotel it was expensive but we wanted to stay somewhere nice as we realised our return ticket wasn't until a month after we arrived I still can't believe the boys did this for two normal school students out of the whole world they chose us.

Once we had organised everything we had dinner and went home. I asked my mum if we could go to the bank soon and get some money out I wanted to take $600 as there is so much I want to buy. I just couldn't wait I had so many things I wanted to buy. Me and Lily talked about it everyday and every hour. I was starting to stress out I had so much homework that it was nearly impossible to finish, I was up to 12:00 every night trying to finish things the next day.

The next few days mum didn't seem to be home when I got home from school, Lily said she had seen my mums car out the front a few times we weren't sure what was going on but we knew it was nothing to worry about and it could only be a good thing. After a week mum started to be home like usual I tried asking where she had been and why she was at Lily's house but she would just change the subject, I knew something was up. I was too scared to ask as she started getting annoyed so I didn't bring it up again. Lily said her mum had been acting weird too, they wanted to know what was going on but decided to wait closer to the trip.

The trip was now only 30 days away, it was starting to go quicker. I was happy that the holidays were in week so I had time to prepare. Homework had finally calmed down and nothing important was happening in my life. Nothing never really does. When I got to school I had English first up and I was happy to get my assignment back. I was really happy and shocked with the mark, I got 98% and the highest mark of the class I was so happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2014 ⏰

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