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Third Person's P.O.V

She had a boyfriend ,

She grew up with him ..

to her he was the only one for her , the most 

important and precious ,

but to him she was just another girl .... </3

'' hey, wanna go to a movie? ^_^'' said Aimi .

'' i can't '' dane said with a cold voice 

'' Why? do you need to study at home or something? ''

'' err... no ''

'' ...then what are doing? '' 

'' im meeting up with .......

a friend '' said Dane 

it was always like that with him,

he met girls in front of her , like it was nothing </3

to him, she was just another one of his girlfriend ;(

 the word ''LOVE'' never came out of his mouth ,

 only her's ....

ever since she's known him she has never heard the word 

'' i love you '' from him before .

there weren't any anniversaries at all.

He didn't say anything from the first day and in continued till 100 days....200 days....

everyday , before he say goodbye 

he would just hand her a doll , everyday, without fail.

She didn't know why....

Then one day ...................

'' erm... Dane? ''

'' what? ...............

dont drag just say .. '' 

'' i love you . '' Aimi said with a low voice but sweet .

'' ..........erm.....you....what..?

just take this doll ..... and go home ''

that was how he ignore her, '' three words '' and handed her a doll ....

then her disapeared, as if he was running away ...

the dolls she recieved from him everyday, filled her room , one by one. There were many...

then one day came , her 15 year old birthday.

when she got up in the morning , she pictured a party with him..........

she stranded herself in her room waiting for his call ..

but..... lunch passed , dinner passed ......and soon the sky was dark .....

he still didn't call

it was already tiring to look at the phone anymore ...

then around 2am in the morning , he suddenly called her and woke her from her sleep....

he told her to go outside her house, she was so excited .

'' Dane? ''

'' here, take this ''

and again , he handed her a little doll

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2014 ⏰

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