Cap. 8 5/?

349 28 15

///Leer el final c:/// ''Saludos a mi prima hermosa del alma Grecia<3''

Antes que nada... Tal ves estas partes lleguen a 6/6 o 7/7 c:<

Un hermoso saludo paraaaaa:

RedDiamond0611 muchas gracias por tus votos y comentarios <3 un fuerte abrazo ;u; 

También los hermosos comentarios y votos de estas personitas:




Gracias por sus hermosos comentarios y votos <3333

Ahora si, continuemos c:

PDV Narradora

Las oji-gris se acerco a un micrófono y puso un tema al cual empezó a cantar hermosamente sorprendiendo a sus amigos, no esperaban una canción así de triste pero hermosa...


I sense there's something in the wind
Than feels like tragedy's at hand
And though I'd like to stand by him
Can't shake this feeling that i have

The worst is just around the bend...
And does he notice, my feelings for him?
And will he see, how much he means to me?

I think it's not to be...

Unber a tree at quarter three, I han some hope in me
Buf lif was taken from me, but I did not feel peace.

I made a vow within my gown, than love will come to me.
but then he came and seemingly
I had been found...


What will become of my dear friend?
Where will his actions lead us then?
Although I'd like join the crowd

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