Chapter 1: In Pursuit...Sort Of

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A/N: Most of this story is in 3rd person so if it doesn't say a POV then it is 3rd person. Enjoy!

"Where did he go?"

The ninja were investigating a crime scene in Hiroshi's Labyrinth. Cirus Borg's nindroids as well as the police were on the tail of a thief who just managed to steal the realm crystal. They haven't found anything just yet.

"I don't know Jay, this is like the 5th time you've asked me that!" Cole says, clearly annoyed. "Well, I'm just as anxious." Kai interjects. "To steal the realm crystal and risk tipping us off, this guy must either been extremely brave, extremely idiotic, or extremely both!"

Lloyd takes a 360 degree turn. "Guys, I don't know if sticking around the crime scene will help us out that much." "Yeah." Nya says. "The criminal could be anywhere in this realm or OUTSIDE of it. Zane, do you have anything?" The nindroid had been scanning just about everything.

"The thief left no fingerprints inside the realm crystal holding chamber or anywhere in the labyrinth. The perpetrator was obviously very well prepared for this heist." Suddenly, Cole perks up. "Wait a minute, it could have been more than one person. To stage a heist like this, you would need some sort of help."

"Hey, that's right!" Jay agrees. "Not even Wu HIMSELF could get into the holding chamber with out a clue about the layout!" "Good job, we figured out that he is better that Wu. Thanks for upping my confidence that we're gonna catch this guy." Lloyd says.

To be honest, the ninja were completely stumped. When they returned to the Bounty, they had found absolutely NOTHING about the realm crystal investigation. Or as Jay called it, the great crystal caper. In a matter of minutes, the Bounty flew only to arrive at the Airjutsu temple

Upon entering the temple, each ninja receded to the kitchen, all of them exhausted  and hungry from a long day of investigating.

"I shall go make us a refreshing meal." Zane says. Everyone moans and groans in agreement and settles down at the dining room table.

"I still can't believe we got chipped on another case again!" Cole complains. "Yeah, we still never figured out who nearly blew up the Borg Industries building." Jay inputs. "And to top it off, Seliel, Skylor, and Pixel STILL aren't back from their teamwork training with Misako." Kai mutters. "Well, you have to get used to it brother." Nya says. "This always happened when I was added to the team. And Sensei said we were gonna try to recruit a fair amount of people into our team."

"Yeah, but don't we have enough?" Cole questions. "I mean, we have Kai, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, myself, Nya, Seliel, Skylor, Pixel, Wu, and Misako. That's a whooping 11 people!"

"You know, now that I think about it, do you think that the realm crystal robbery is somehow connected to the bomb in Borg Industries?" Lloyd asks.

Everyone goes silent for a moment and everyone, even Lloyd, comes up with the same answer.


A/N: Well, I hope that you guys enjoyed this I literally spent 5 minutes thinking about this so don't expect anything actually GOOD. There should be a clarification chapter coming out in...

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