Just so you know this is NOT a short story, rather an inspirational speech if you want to call it something. I know this website is for stories but I just wanted to say a few things
If you could find out what was going to happen tomorrow, or next year, or how you died or when you died would you?
I for one wouldn't.
I mean if you really think about it you're limiting your life by doing that. We are all going to have bad days in life and we're all going to have good days. We all go through tough times and we all go through happy times. I can't promise you that tomorrow is going to be a better day but I can promise you that if will get better one day.
You should never regret a decision you've made, even if you think it was a mistake, it's what helped you become the person you are today. It helped you meet certain people or maybe even lose them.Never have regrets because at one point in life that decision made you happy. Everyone make mistakes, I mean we are ll human after all and there is not one person alive today or who was once alive that hasn't made a mistake. It's part of life and you don't really have control of life sometimes. But you do have control on how you deal with it. Will you keep reading the same page or will you turn over a new page? All we can do is learn from our mistakes and if you have hurt someone ask for forgiveness. Maybe you feel like you haven't done anything or they're the one that started it. You need to put your pride away, be the bigger person and apologize. It is then up to them on whether they forgive us or not but if they don't you don't need to do anything else. It's their loss, you tried and thats the main thing.
After you've asked for frogiveness, you need to ask yourself for forgiveness and forgive yourself, no one else can do that. I know sometimes forgiving yourself can be a hard thing to do but you have to. Forgive, forget, let go and move on with life because you only have one. you will feel so much better once you move on.
Also don't bottle up your emotions. That can sometimes make you feel worse. If you want to cry, cry. If you're a guy, it doesn't make you any less of a man if you cry. Letting out all your tears can sometimes even make you feel better because you've released your problems and pain. Crying doesn't mean you're weak, if anything it means you're strong because you're not afraid to let people see you vulnerable side. Just don't bottle up your emotions because one day that bottle is going to fill up and once its full you won't be able to add anymore and you're just going to explode.
Love life with all its idden beautys and the amazing people in your life. Care for them, love them, be there for them, thank them, be a helping handnbecause you never know, that might just be what they needed.
Everyone of you are needed and wanted so please don't ever think otherwise. You are all beautiful and amazing people. Yes some times life sucks or people might be rude/ mean but llife is like a bike and in order to keep it in balance you need to keep moving and that's what we've gopt to do, keep moving.
Follow your dreams and chase those goals. Don't wait for things to happenbecause they never will if you sit around and do nothing, waiting for them to happen. You need to make a start and continue on. Because I know you can be that doctor, or teacher, or mechanic, or surgeon or whatever you want to be as long as you work for it and continue chasing it because sorry to say but nothing in llife comes easy or free.
Don't give up guys. Just because you might of had a bad day or week, don't let that ruin you. Go and do somtehing that you love to do and start your life. Have a cry or sometime alone or have a vent/ rant or whatever but at some point you're going to have to get over your problem, learn from it and keep on moving.
I know this isn't a story but I felt it needed to be said. A few things have rocked my boat a bit this week and yes i've been upset but i'm ready to move on and say hello to tomorrow. Keep your chin up beautifuls, life has just begun and its going to be wonderful :). Hold tight and see the storm out because it will pass eventually, sometimes you just have to be patient. It's all going to be ok in the end and if it's not ok, then it's not the end.