The Letter?

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You walk into your room and change clothes and after changing your clothes you open the letter and read it

Letter:                                                                                                                                                                                         Dear, me in the past                                                                                                                                                             November 15, 2016                                                                                                                                                               Hello me in the past you probably met the boy name Yuya Sakaki i have to say something to you tomorrow on November 16, 2016 you and Yuya are gonna hangout at the park and talk about stuff but i say something to him and make him upset i say to him that "who's your friends since you were kids and what's your relationship to them?" and he said "well i have bullied many times and i feel like no one cared about me but the girl name Yuzu Hiragi  she cared about me and we've been friends but one they i lose her" so no matter do not upset Yuya and i didn't say sorry at the time i just want to remind you this.

From: me in the future

You read the letter and you were surprise that Your self send a message to you and your wondering why your self send a message to you

(Y/N): w-wait the future me send a letter to me but why? *You ask your self*

(Y/N): should i follow this letter but if is true then why she send me a letter just for this? *You ask your self*

(Y/N): well i should follow what the letter said *sigh* well i should take rest for a minute

~time skipping, the next day~

You woke up from bed and getting ready for school and you ate breakfast and your at from the door and start walking at school 

(Y/N):*the letter said that i should be careful what i say to Yuya* thought

and you hear a familiar voice calling your name

????: Hey (Y/N)!

you turn around and saw Yuya running towards you

(Y/N): hey Yuya!

Yuya reached up to you

Yuya: so let's walk together at school *puts a bright smile*

(Y/N): s-sure *slight blush*

You and Yuya walk together at school and you guys talk and have a big smile on there face and after walking you guys reached at the school and you guys change your shoes and you guys walk together at the classroom  

Yukimi: hello darling how are you today?

(Y/N): stop calling him darling he is not your boyfriend

Yukimi: oh please (Y/N) obviously he is my boyfriend, i'm my right Yuya darling *starts to flirt at Yuya*

Yuya: sorry but we don't know each other yet

Yukimi: oh don't be like that Yuya *flirting at Yuya*

(Y/N):*GGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRR.............* anger thought

Yuya: sorry but can you be quite for a minute because i just want to rest

Yukimi: ok darling what ever you say *walks at her desk*

Yuya rest his head for a minute

(Y/N):*the letter said that i should not upset Yuya but i don't know is true or not but the letter said also that i met a boy name Yuya so which means that the letter might be true but we will see about that* thought 

the class begin and same old routine school 

~Time skipping, school ended~ 

(Y/N): *sigh* finally school is over

Yuya: (Y/N)

you look at Yuya

(Y/N): what is it Yuya?

Yuya: can we walk together at the park because i just want to see some of this place

you were shocked that the letter was right

(Y/N):*what the letter said that we will hangout the park the letter was true* thought

Yuya: is something wrong?

(Y/N): n-nothing, l-let's just go now *puts a bright smile*

Yuya: o-ok *puts a smile*

you and Yuya start to walk at the park and after walking you guys reached at the park

(Y/N): wow this park is still not change yet  

Yuya: yeah i know *said a low energetic*

You look at Yuya and you look very worried and you have to follow what was in the letter

(Y/N): so let's sit for a moment

Yuya: sure *said a low energetic*

You and Yuya walk to the bench and you guys set down

(Y/N): so what are we gonna do here?, Yuya?

Yuya: well i just want to talk to you a bit 

(Y/N): like what?

Yuya: do you feel any regrets that you did in the past

(Y/N): well to be honest i have

Yuya: what is it?

(Y/N): well my father died since i was 7 and i didn't even say sorry to him at the time

Yuya: what happen?

(Y/N): well is just my father is too much over protective and at the time i didn't know that he cared about like first i thought that he hate me but when i know the truth i feel a awful person

Yuya: oh i'm sorry

(Y/N): it's ok is in the past now

Yuya: yeah i know

(Y/N): so what else do you want to say?

Yuya was surprise when he heard that

Yuya: your not gonna ask like, why did you ask?

(Y/N): i don't need to know besides you have reasons right *puts a bright smile*

Yuya is more shocked

Yuya: so uhmm....are you gonna tell me something?

(Y/N): no, no need to i don't want to know *puts a smile*

Yuya is more surprise that you said to him

(Y/N): so lets go home now come on *offer a hand*

Yuya is a little confused but Yuya accept your hand and you smile again so as Yuya and you guys start to walk together and after walking you say bye to each other and you guys separate in your on paths

~Yuya's Point Of View~

Yuya is finally home and went inside 

Yuya: i'm home

Yoko: Yuya how's your day?

Yuya: it was ok i guess...Mom i'm just gonna go to my room

Yoko: ok

Yuya walk to his room change clothes and after changing Yuya lay down on his bed

Yuya: this day was weird, (Y/N) didn't even ask something, she's the first person that never talk about my life

Yuya is so tired and he think that he made (Y/N) upset 

Yuya:*i think that i made (Y/N) upset but she try to be strong she's more different than me* thought

Yoko: Yuya! Dinner is ready!

Yuya: coming!

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