Wet dreams

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-The way you say my name, I can feel the flutters in my stomach, the beat in my chest that becomes frantic when you stare at me with those fucking gorgeous green eyes.

I finish writing my entry and set down my favorite green pen, closing the journal and then sliding it into my secret spot.

I sigh before falling dramatically onto my bed, my hair spread out.
I end up falling asleep just like this... while thinking about my best friend.. in ways i shouldn't.

Her lips press against my stomach.. my hands tangle in her hair, she presses a finger against my clothed center..
she smiles and looks up at me as she pushes my panties to the side... sliding a finger into my hot dripping entrance.

I moan loudly and wake with a startle, my best friend staring down at me, wide eyed.

"What are you doing here!?" I shout and scramble to sit up in my bed. 

"Your mom let me in, and I was supposed to pick you up today so we could go get my tattoo done...."  Lauren trails off blushing a bit.

I laugh nervously and wrap my blanket around my shoulders, standing.
"I forgot about that," i swallow and clear my throat.
"I need to get dressed." I make my way to the bathroom when I hear Lauren calling me.

"Camz...." She says slowly

"hmmm?" i hum and pop my head out around the corner

"Did you uhm- what is that...?" She trails off pointing at a damp spot on my sheet, where i had been laying.

I blush furiously and I realize the spot came from between my legs... that dream was intense....
I clear my throat awkwardly and smile, "Uhmm.. i had a dream." I mumble.

She quirks her brow "What? I didn't hear that."

I sigh loudly and look down, playing with my fingers nervously. "I had a like- sex dream..." I say clearly and look up.

She starts laughing loudly and I sigh again, in confusion. "Oh jeez camz, it's nothing to be embarrassed about.."

"Oh." I lick my lips, "I need to go change now.." I state, still blushing.

"Have fun." She chuckles and leaves my room.

I groan and slip off my clothes, putting some new ones on before heading downstairs.

I finish my banana, throwing the peel away.
"Mami, we're leaving now!"
I shout as I head out the door, hearing a loud grunt before my mom responds,
"Be safe Karla!"

(A/N) So i decided to remake this story... it's short but the next chapter will be much longer, i swear! Anyway, love you guys! Vote and Comment please! byeee!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2018 ⏰

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