chapter | 8

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author's note;
Double update so I won't have to update for two days 😊

p.s this one is a tear jerker. Sorry lol not really


Jimin supported me like any good husband would do at the moment. We were now waiting for the doctor to relay us the result of the tests I just did. He was holding my hand when the doctor came, taking a seat before entertaining us. "So there is good news and bad news. Which one would you like to hear first?"

I looked at Jimin and he showed me a smile as he rub my back gently, "I would go with whatever you choose." He said.

"The good news." I told the doctor and she nodded at me.

She linked her fingers together in front of her, "The good news is that the pregnancy test result is positive. You are carrying a fetus in your womb but," my smile disappeared as soon as she said it and the mood turned gloomy in an instant, "I'm afraid to say that the fetus' attachment to your uterine wall is weak which means you have a high possibility of having a miscarriage."

I squeezed on Jimin's hand and then I felt his arm around me, "Is there anyway to prevent a miscarriage?" He asked the doctor.

"Yes of course." She replied assuringly, "It's best that Mara be away from any stressful matters as much as possible. Eat healthy and avoid also strenuous activities at the moment, including sexual intercourse, this is important to know for a young married couple like you. She must avoid taking any non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs like aspirin or Tylenol for nonprescription pain and she needs to rest more."

"That's it?" Jimin asked again, "Isn't there a drug you can prescribe to help the baby?"

"I'm so sorry but there is no drug to treat a miscarriage. What she needs is a stress free environment and careful monitoring from time to time." The doctor explained, making me doubtful of what might happen to my pregnancy.

When we got back to the car, Jimin noticed my unusual change of behavior. "Hey." I looked up at his face when I felt him hold my hand. "It's going to be okay. We just have to be careful."

I don't know what happened but I couldn't stop my tears from falling. I buried my face in both of my hands and began to sob uncontrollably. Jimin unfastened his seatbelt so he could move closer to me and embrace me. His hand felt soothing on my back as he cradled me in his arms, "Baby, did I say something wrong?"

"No." I squeaked out, "I just don't know what might happen. I'm just so scared. I don't want to lose my baby. I don't want to be a bad mother."

"Who told you you're a bad mother?" Jimin took my hands away from my face and wiped my tears with some tissues from the glove compartment, "Taehyung grew up well and it's because of you that he's healthy and fine."

I nodded and believed him, making myself stop from crying. I took the tissues from his hand and wiped my eyes dry, "I'm sorry I broke down like that."

"No need to apologize." He smiled at me, taking my hand again, "The baby is fine. We can take care of him together. Isn't that why I'm here?"

I showed him a smile and gave him a kiss. "Thank you for being here with me."

"Was that a sneak attack?" He eyed me playfully, making me giggle. "Anyway, you heard the doctor, right?" He asked me as he started the car, "She clearly told you to rest and avoid stress so the first thing you need to do is quit your job. Listen to me this time. I'm not saying this because I hate your job. I'm telling you this becaus-"

PARK JIMIN | jimin x mara Where stories live. Discover now