Players ways

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Chapter 3;

I continued the kiss not worrying about Alyssa. After all, she is 17. I'm not her mother. I will just find her when we are done.

Cameron's lips softly moved perfectly in sync with mine and then I thought to myself, "I've known him for 1 hour and we are already making out" like what is this? The kiss was so good and felt real and I couldn't stop. It began to get heavier. And heavier. He pulled my face even closer if that was even possible. He suddenly stopped to catch his breath and tried to go back to kissing me but I turned my face.

"What's wrong?" Cameron scowled at me. I chuckled a little bit.

"Cameron I've barley known you for an hour." I smirked.

"Yeah and? I guess it was 'love at first sight'." he made quotation marks around his face with his fingers like he was being sarcastic.

"I think are the girls are gone now." I said grabbing his hands of my waist and putting them down to his sides. He looked at me and gave me a scowl. I squeezed out of the space he was holding me in.

"Amy, umm... do you want to do something tonight? I mean, Magcon isn't for another two days.."

"I'd like that Cameron." I gave him a cheeky smile.

"Awesome ill text you." he smiled back. His smile was so bright and dreamy. How do I have a guy like Cameron? This didn't make sense but I love it.


I got a text from Cameron about three hours later at 5:03pm; "hey it's Cameron. We r going to the beach in twenty minutes so be ready." I didn't bother to reply. I just ran and unpacked my swimsuit.

Alyssa had come back as I was unpacking everything.

"Alyssa where were you?" I asked as she flopped onto the bed.

"I never thought I'd like jack g more than taylor." She said staring off into space at the ceiling.

"Well guess what... I have a date tonight. With Cameron."

"Be careful. Wear protection, everything else."

"Alyssa he's not even like that. he respects me. and now I'm leaving so ill see you later."


I walked to the beach right out side of the hotel. I was wearing high waisted washed out jean shorts. My tank top was flowy and it had the Jack Daniels whiskey on it. My bikini was a dark blue and had studs on the sides of the top and bottoms.

I arrived at the beach and Cameron was nowhere to be found so I went ahead and made a spot on the ground right along shore. I waited a good hour and a half and there was still no Cameron. I decided to wait another 30 minutes and when Cameron STILL wasn't there i decided to text him; "where are you? I've been waiting for hours.." he didn't reply. At all. It had been twenty minutes since I sent the text and Cameron hasn't replied or showed up. I gave up. As I walked back into the hotel I heard someone calling my name. I decided to ignore it thinking it was Cameron. He really hurt me. And he has lost all of my respect and trust. I heard the footsteps behind me running up closer to me still calling my name. Just then I realized it wasn't Cameron's raspy sexy voice. It was someone else. I turned around to see Jack G running towards me.

"Amy, wait. Please give Cameron a chance. He really likes you Amy. You have to trust him. He'll make it better."

"Nah, Jack that's what y'all don't get. I gave him a chance and he failed. I know I probably sound like a conceited bitch but I'm not messing around with a player. And that's all." And with that I got onto the elevator and pushed my number. It was already 9:13pm. Why'd did I even think that the Cameron Dallas would actually go on a date with me? I should've known.

As I reached my floor I tried to get to my room without anyone seeing the tears falling from my eyes. Right when I reached my door Cameron came out of his. I was shaking and couldn't unlock the door fast enough. When I got it opened Cameron was already holding onto my arm. I tried to wipe away my tears with my free arm.

"Amy... I'm sorry I-"

"I don't want to hear it Cameron. Whatever it was it was obviously more important than me so just let me go and leave me alone."

"Amy it's not like that!"

His yell shot chills up my body. I could tell he was frustrated by the look in his eyes. He let go of my arm and I walked into my room and shut the door behind me leaving Cameron standing outside of it. I was pissed. And so was he. But what does he have to be mad about? He's the one that screwed up.

craving love. (Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now