Surprising Darcy: Excerpt

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Please enjoy an excerpt from Surprising Darcy:

Darcy Evans pulled her front door open and let her eyes rake over the handsome blond haired man leaning against the door frame. Her heart seemed to bounce around in her rib cage and her loneliness dissolved instantly.His brilliant blue eyes sparkled down at her as a slow smile showed off that cute dimple on his left cheek. Perfect white teeth peeked out from behind the sensuous lips that played a starring role in many of her fantasies.

She smiled back, soaking in his presence. It was pathetic how much she’d missed him this past week. She should have gone out for drinks with her friends or something. Anything that would signify that she actually had a life outside of the kitchen and this incredible, seductive man.He pulled a bouquet of pink flowers from behind his back.

“Happy Birthday.”

He remembered! Oh yes, he really was perfect. Her own father couldn’t be bothered to remember the day his daughter was born, but Aiden…Aiden came from a family that celebrated important events.

“Thank you!”  She accepted the bouquet and cuddled the flowers to her chest. Lilies. She inhaled deeply, letting the intoxicatingly sweet scent wash over her.  He stepped across the threshold, looking every bit the successful surgeon in his coal gray suit, and she raised her cheek for his kiss.

Aiden Sinclair had been her friend since they’d shared a wall two apartments ago.  They’d been lovers for the last three blissful months and for the past week he’d been in Houston for a medical conference. Even though he’d called her throughout the week, there was nothing quite like being in his arms, feeling his touch, his kiss.

He strode into her living room and she followed, admiring his easy movements. Some men would look restricted, uptight in a suit…but not him. His long legs gave him a sexy swagger. Sometimes she envisioned him as a heart stealing, treasure plundering pirate…maybe he was in a past life.

As usual, he looked completely at home and that familiar fantasy took over…the one where he came home to her every night. She could see him standing in the foyer, flipping through mail, or shaving, first thing in the morning. It was a dangerous fantasy, one that would be so easy to wish for. But she had no business wishing for such things, they’d only been together for three months… and four days, but who was counting.She grimaced.

She was counting.

Aiden stopped next to the black and white cat on the arm of the sofa. Green-gold eyes squinted open and stared up at him. He gave Cookie a long stroke and then scratched under her chin. Cookie looked up at Darcy as if to say “Haha…I’m getting all the love.”

It was pathetic to be jealous of a feline. Really, it was…but she knew what it felt like to be petted and caressed by those masterful hands.He pulled a small fuzzy mouse from his pocket and placed it between the cat’s front paws.

“A little something to keep you occupied,” he said and straightened.Yep, definitely perfect. She bit her tongue to keep from shouting “marry me now!”

He turned and gave her one of his trademark smiles. For a moment she wondered if she’d spoken out loud, but then he whispered “I have a surprise for you too,”and her insides went to mush.

“I like surprises,” she purred, letting her fingers walk up his chest.  At six feet tall, Aiden was God’s gift to womankind.  Golden blond hair, bright turquoise eyes, and a come- hither-smile that had women crawling over each other to get to him.  Whether he was in a suit, scrubs, or nothing but skin, he was breathtaking.  Trapping her hand under his, he made a sound somewhere between a growl and a groan. It reverberated through her blood, all the way to her toes. How could this man turn her on so quickly? So often?

Surprising Darcy: ExcerptWhere stories live. Discover now