This kult was not stoping it rediculouse behavers, dancing with loud noises that resemble dishes crashing in to a car with squealing ducks, that going in to labour, that is what I saw for me in my mind
There I stood in my tight short that had a smiley face that turned in to a frown due to it size.*Wiggle wiggle, ( sound of a creather trying to swing forth and back) in the next corner
That was my in crossing over in the crossfit
Bob woke up from the teriffing dream, where she had shorts on to sweat in.
Wow, thanks god that dind't happen. I promised petty that I would join her in her workouts, but there in no way I would be that darring one the fyrst day to strugh my buns in a smiley boxers. THAT would be the worst cahse senerio.
You maight be wondering now, why named bob? May be the fact that me and Bob Ross have the same hairdo or maybey it has to to somthing with Bob Delen, I mean we all tree do share the same hair genetics. The only difrence is what is between my legs ar not a winer the the maculine name indicates.
trilling chill
HumorIn the future, hope has bin lost and family torn a part, There is a girl that got her golden name from her father.