Chapter 10.

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Elijah POV-

I woke Up 3 hours from a long ass nap, boy was my body sore.

All I did was made love not rough kinky sex and my body was that sore? Dam.

I check my phone I saw I missed 6 calls from Sydney, hmm I wonder what happened?? I called her, when she picked up she was crying hysterically,  I couldn't understand her.

Sydney, Sydney, Baby girl what are you saying ??? I asked.

she kept on crying and crying,okay sydney where you at?? I asked.

In front of the abortion clinic.

-Girl what why??? I screamed at her.

-Because im pregnant duh, why else would I be at the abortion clinic??She said.

-Your pregnant? Already dam you work fast lil heffa.

-Yeah, since I work fast Ima get rid of it real fast.

ain't no way in hell ima let her do some crazy shit like that again so while she was texting me, she had no idea that I was heading her way to slap some sense into her.

The abortion clinic was like 10 minutes away from my house, so it didn't take me long to get their.

when I got their I saw getting out her car, Isanthis bitch serious??

Im going to whoop her ass back into her mom womb and make her birth her again, Abortion?? Not on my watch.

so I followed her inside.

-The fuck you think you doing?? I snuck up on her .

-Elijah,?? What are you doing here? She look shocked.

-stopping you from making a huge mistake what is the matter with you girl? I said grabbing her arm.

-Stopping my future from coming to a halt I can't take care of this baby? Im only 16 how can I take care of a baby, when im just a baby myself? I told myself No sex, No sex but I let my lust get the best of me, now he wants nothing to do with the baby or me at all.

I have no job, nobody to help me im alone Elijah.

-No you not, you got me, Cynthia, Brandon,  alot of people are with you and you got the best help of all GOD. he wont ever leave you astray.

And ima help you the best way I can, I won't ever leave you will get through this together I promise.

-Elijah,  thank you so much for beeing my best friend and being their for me baby boy I love you- she said hugging me.

-I love you too babes we will get through this together you don't need him he is a punk bitch anyways he dont deserve you or your unborn baby that you going to keep, you will be okay baby.

-Thanks boo-

-Sydney Barrett- The nurse called.   -Yes here I am- she responded.

-We are ready for you- She said.

-Actually Nurse, I decided im going to keep this baby since I layed and took the dick im going to take care of that baby , so I won't need your services today ma'm Thank you.

the nurse smiled when she said that, I could tell she was happy that sydney keeping her baby, and so was I.

-Sydney POV-

I was glad that Elijah came and stop me from making a dumb decision.

I already had one abortion, and another will be to much.

Now I have a great responsibility to take care of, I will start my job search today and I will prove to Andrew I don't need him Im a Bad BITCH.

I look at Elijah he was walking kinda funny? Hmm What's the tea? I asked.

-What tea?? he asked,  why are you walking funny??

-Oh Because your boo is not a virgin no more Aaron took it away last night he laughed.

-Aye you nasty ass bitch how was it??

-it was good I can't complain, the best orgasm is when making love to the man you love its simply amazing had my toes curled up oooo yes lord, I think that boy is my future im really in love sydney, I never felt this way about a boy before im crazy for him. -He said Smiling-

Aw I was glad my best friend found love, he really deserve it.

I love gay love they are so real unlike some straight people.

looking at him glowing in the car about Aaron warms my heart,  but he should know sooner or later he going to have to tell his parents and I know they wont be happy, but oh well he in love now that's all that matter.

-Wyatt POV.

Next day.(Sunday?

I didn't speak to Aaron all day,  its like he was here but he wasn't,nigga was just a ghost to me.

I was in my room when I heard loud music in his room.

I got up to see what's up, when I open the door I saw him dancing to beyonce dangerously in love. he was singing real loud to.

Oh My God what has that boy done to my brother.

he turning into a queen by the hour.

So I just stood their, until he notice I was at the door.

-Oh shit, bro I didn't see you their I was busy beeing. .....

-Beeing dangerously in love??  yeah I heard bro, but listen we need to talk bro.

-Alright im all ears what's up. he answered.

-im sorry the way I acted yesterday it was uncalled for im glad your happy.

-Its no problem bro, it didn't phase me at all I knew you would come around sooner or later.

-Yeah but hey now that we cool you want to hang out later?? I asked.

-I would bro, but I got plans with Elijah later we going to Elegance for dinner today is his bday.

-Oh, its okay another time bro no problem I answered.

-Im glad you understand but bruh ima need a favor can you get me a glass of water please bro.

Alright no problem,  so I went to the kitchen took a glass of water for him I crushed 5 sleeping pills in it, that should do it.

I brung him the cup, he drunk it like it was his last.

I saw him put the alarm clock to wake him up at 3pm.

I smiled,  I hope you have fun.

I walked out.

30 minutes later I came back,  he was knockout,  I mean what you expect it was five sleeping pills I crushed in the water he knocked out like daylight.

I walked in his room and unplugged the alarm clock in plug it back in that should do the trick, I know that alarm will wake him up because its loud as shit, now we wouldn't want that do we?? Nahh..

I took his phone and saw Elijah text him saying -Im heading to the restaurant right now, can't wait to see you -

I replied -ill be their soon babe =) .

I took his phone with me, he gonna be knock for hours now probably till tomorrow for all we know, oh well he wont notice a thing.

I put on his clothes and cologne, I look good tho I wore this long sleeve shirt, some black jeans and jordans 23 with the matching snapback.

Guess who is coming to dinner? Me, before I left I check on my brother again he was gone like a baby.

Sleep tight brother soon you will have all the time in the world.

What did wyatt mean by :You will have all the time in the world??
What is his plan???
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