Chapter 1

16 2 0

Jenna's POV


I stifled yet another yawn as sleep threatened to take over my body yet I refused to let my eyelids droop for more than a blink because I knew that if I allowed myself that 2 second rest I would end up falling asleep and waking up on the morning of the first day back at school. I was in denial, I didn't want to go back to school and I thought if I stayed awake long enough tomorrow morning would go away. 'Okay, now i'm just being stupid.' I thought to myself with a sigh, I looked over at my alarm clock which read 2:24am almost as if it were mocking me. 'One more chapter, i'll read just one more chapter and then i'll sleep' I laughed aloud as I knew this wouldn't be the case. You can never read just one more chapter, I don't even think it is humanely possible. If I fell asleep now I would get about 5 1/2 hours which isn't enough really is it. So I guess staying up another hour can't hurt right?



As soon as I woke up I immediately regretted staying up until 4. My head was groggy, my throat felt like it was on fire and my eyes could barely stay open. It's not my fault, blame the stupid story I was reading, I literally couldn't put it down. Well shut the app. I wish I could write as good as that, maybe one day I will. I just need to find the right subject to write about but god is it hard! 

When I get back from hell, school I mean school, i'll look up tips on writing a good story and how to start for about the millionth time. I swear, I must have read every tip on every website at least a hundred times. God once I got so desperate I went onto the third google search page, I didn't even stop at the second. I shuddered at the thought. Never going back there. It's a dark place.

Finally feeling awake enough to brave getting out from my warm covers I tenderly hung one foot over the edge of the bed and deciding that it wasn't too cold I delicately plopped out of bed landing in a seething, tired heap on the floor that no one in their right minds would risk approaching. On mornings like this i'm more deadly than a shark, more vicious than a lion, however my mum seems to disagree. Either she's insanely brave or just insane, she says that she is just used to me by now which makes me feel great(!) Apparently she knows how to 'handle' me, wow amazing. She should write a book, '17 Years Of Hell With Jenna Atkins' she should call it. Oh wait, that's right I forgot that i'm the only one in my family that reads and i'm always getting grief about it. My parents say that I spend too long in my room not doing anything productive, they think I should be out playing football with my brother or netball with my sisters. I'm the only non-active person in my family, sometimes I think that i'm adopted even though my parents have assured me many a time that i'm their flesh and blood.

After quickly checking to see if there were any new updates on any of my favourite stories I decided that I couldn't put it off any longer, I had to go to school if I stood a chance at getting my geography and teaching degree. Yup I want to be a geography teacher at secondary schools when I leave school. Teaching is all i've ever wanted to do especially geography as I am doing so well at it now partly due to the teacher. I love Miss Fenby she was such a great teacher and I was lucky enough to have her every year up till now, I really hope I have her this year because this year is the year that really counts towards me getting into a good uni and my chances of getting good grades is greatly reduced if I have a bad teacher. Oh well i'll just have to wait and see, I should have geography today though so I won't have to wait long. If i'm honest my geography is one of the only things that keeps me here at school, I hate pretty much all the other lessons and i'm constantly in trouble for not putting enough effort in but I can't seem to help it I just don't share the passion that I have for geography with other lessons, it also doesn't help if we have crap teachers. I mean how can they blame us for not putting effort in when they don't put any in themselves or even try to make the lesson fun!

I made my way downstairs just in time to see my dad going to work. He works long hours which usually means he doesn't get much time to spend with us as a family especially a family as big as ours, we used to have a rota: each weekend he would spend Saturday with each of us in turn and then on Sundays we would go out somewhere as a family but we've grown out of that now. I'm the oldest child at 17, nearly 18 as my parents keep reminding me, another reason they use to try and get me out of my room and socialising more, they say I should act my age, their argument always fails and I always end up victorious. But I am a very anti social person even my sisters, twins, Beth-May and Grace who are 14 have better social lives than me. They are stars of the schools netball team and have even gained places on the county team winning match after match. My 16 year old brother Aaron is equally sporty and talented and dreams of making it big as a professional footballer playing for Spurs. I have to say though he does have the cocky attitude and 'player' personality that are common traits in most premiership footballers, so maybe he will make it. I think it's safe to say that my parents are proud of my siblings for their achievements and to be fair so am I, it's just i'm not a sporty person, more of a 'sit at home eating and watching movies' kind of person. Don't get me wrong though i'm not unhealthy, luckily for me i'm one of those girls who can eat and eat and eat and not get fat, much to the dismay of my sisters!

I finally got to school after driving so slowly I thought I was going to get pulled over for driving too slow, I just wanted to stay at home in bed, I don't think anyone actually wanted to be here not even the teachers! After getting my new timetable I went of to find my best friends Emma and Matty to see what classes we had together, i'm hoping I have every class with at least one of them. Apart from geography these guys are the only other reasons i'm still at this dump of a school. That may seem a bit harsh buuut it is pretty bad.

We realised that I have all my classes with one of them apart from science and english, but to my dismay I also discovered that I don't have Miss Fenby for geography. I have some new teacher called Mr Jacobs, I just hope that he is good...!


Okay guys this is my first story so I hope you like it!

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