Chapter 2

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Taylor's (Mr Jacobs) P.O.V

First term, first day at my new school, I've heard that this school has quite a bad reputation, but I was willing to give it a go - it was the only job I could find and I suppose it is convenient that it is just down the road from my house. I've only just earned my teaching degree and I couldn't wait to start teaching.

'I just hope that my students aren't too much of a nightmare' I thought as I drove through the gates of Mill Fields School.

I went to the staff room to met my colleagues and instantly everyone turned to stare at me. I felt myself blushing and quickly looked away, I've never liked being centre of attention. I also wouldn't consider myself good looking but I seem to get a lot of female attention wherever I go which annoys me to be honest. My past girlfriends have always said that i'm the 'perfect boyfriend' because apparently i'm what they consider attractive but i'm not cocky about it. However, all of my past relationships have ended in disaster, two of them cheated on me and the rest came up with some excuse or another, I just don't seem to have much luck with girls.

I'm determined that this year will be different, I won't be Mr Nice Guy anymore but I'm not going to be arrogant and horrible just not too nice.

"Um.. hi i'm Taylor and um i'm the new geography teacher." I managed to say

Great there goes that idea, they're not gunna take me seriously now.

"Hey Taylor! No need to sound so nervous we don't bite," a familiar voice shouted from across the room, I recognised it it to be Claire Fenby one of the other two geography teachers, Claire and I met over the summer to discuss the curriculum for this year and already I liked her.

I exchanged names with some other teachers and set off for my room, wouldn't want to be late for my first ever class!

Jenna's P.O.V

As I walked to my first lesson, Geography yay, I bumped into Miss Fenby.

"Hey Miss! Do you want some help taking those books to your classroom?" I offered, I wanted a chance to talk to her and try and get some information on this mysterious Mr Jacobs.

"Jenna! Yeah thanks", she beamed at me handing my half her books. "Did you have a good summer?"

"Yeah I did, I went to New Zealand with my family for two weeks."

"Sounds like fun." Miss Fenby smiled at me with genuine warmth. I couldn't help but wish I still had her as my geography teacher.

"Yeah it was awesome." I admitted as we reached her classroom.

"Thanks for helping with the books Jenna, you had better get to your first lesson don't want you do be late on the first day back! What have you got first?

"Geography with Mr Jacobs, what's he like? Is he good?" I asked nervously.

"Jenna he is a great teacher," Miss Fenby said laughing. "You're in good hands."

"Okay, thanks Miss Fenby, see ya" I said goodbye and headed anxiously to Mr Jacobs class. I don't know why i'm nervous, I guess i'm just worried I won't get a good grade if he is a bad teacher, although I do feel better now that Miss Fenby said that he is a good teacher. I'm sure he is good, hopefully I'm just overreacting.

I opened the door and walked in to the room glad to find I wasn't late, I was actually the first person there.

I looked up at my new teacher and I felt my jaw drop. There standing in front of me was the most handsome man I've ever seen in my life. He has dark brown hair that stops just before his shoulders and the most beautiful hazel eyes. He was insanely tall, at least 6foot 3". I just hope his teaching is as good as his looks!

His body is so toned and you could just about see the outline of his abs through his tight t-shirt.

I heard him clear his throat and I looked back up at him to see him blushing. Naww he is so cute!

"Um hi Sir, i'm Jenna Atkins." I said feeling embarrassed that he caught me checking him out.

"Ah I've heard a lot about you." He said smiling down at me. Wow that smile made me feel weak at the knees and I felt myself blushing.

"All good things, I heard you want to be a geography teacher when you're older?" He reassured me in his deep voice that could only be described as one thing. Sexy.

"Um yeah I do, I love geography." I replied looking anywhere but his eyes, I knew that if I did I would probably end up jumping on him which wouldn't be appropriate at school. Don't get me wrong, I'm not badly behaved or rebellious, all my grades are good and I hardly ever get detentions but I mean all you had to do was look at him to understand why.

"Glad to hear it, hopefully I can help you achieve your dream." He said as the rest of the class started to come in.

"Okay everyone, my name is Mr Jacobs. Please pick one friend and stand next to them at the back of the classroom."

The glass hurried to get into pairs and I went over to stand next to Emma. Matty wasn't in this class, he hated geography and could never understand why I wanted to be a geography teacher when I was older.

Mr Jacobs began assigning pairs to a desk. "Okay Jenna and your friend you can go sit at the front in front of my desk." He said winking at me. Wait what!? Did he just wink at me?

"Um Emma, did Mr Jacobs just wink at me?" I whispered to her as we sat down at our desk.

"Yeah! He totally fancies you Jen." My best friend replied. I rolled my eyes at her and turned to face the front.

"Don't be so dramatic Em, he's only just met me."

"Why else would he put us right by his desk and wink at you?"

"I dunno" I shrugged at her and could feel myself start to blush.

"OMG, you're blushing. You like him too!" She squealed loudly. The whole class were staring at us including Mr Jacobs, he was standing looking amused with his eyebrows raised questioningly.

"Shut up" I hissed hitting her on the arm. "I do not"

"Deeenniiiialllll" She sang and went back to texting Matty.

Emma and Matty have been dating since year 11 when Matty moved to our school from Ireland. I met Matty in one of my classes and introduced him to Emma and they have been dating ever since. I couldn't help but love the fact that I got them together. They are so adorable together though but sometimes it makes me sad that I don't have a boyfriend. I haven't had a relationship since I was 15 and that only lasted about 5 months before I found out he was cheating on me.

I'm determined that this year will be different though, it's my last year at school before I go to Uni and I want something to remember this year by. I just need to find the right guy. Can't be that hard right?

"Jenna?" I heard a voice say snapping my out of my thoughts.

"Oh um sorry Sir" I muttered feeling my face go red.

"Yes well perhaps you could stay focused on me for the rest of the lesson?" Mr Jacobs said smirking. I felt a pain in my waist and realised that Emma had elbowed me, I glared at her, nodded at Mr Jacobs and got back to my work.

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