Chapter 5

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Stopping in the coffee shop for some much needed caffeine I stared out the window contemplating whether to turn back now or go through with it.

I couldn't lose out on 40% of my grade after all the money Mum has had to spend for me to be in university, it just wouldn't be right.

A familiar face stepped into view and as he crossed the road our eyes locked...


A look of shock passed over his face and he faltered on his next step. I got up and went out to meet him.

"Kat what are you doing back?" He spluttered.

"Ouch, I thought you loved me" I chuckled, trying to avoid what I knew was going to follow:

"What if he finds out you're back in the city and hurts you, I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you. You're my best friend, you have to go now."

Me and Eli had stayed in contact against the protection programmes protests and during holidays he had come to stay with us. That however didn't last and we hadn't spoken in two years but it felt like yesterday that we'd last spoke.

"I don't have much choice, I have to go to Arkham for 40% of my final grade" I argued slightly hurt he told me to go even though it was for my safety. "Anyway he didn't hurt me then, never tried to track me down as aw as we know. Why would he now? I'm pretty sure people just overreac-"

"Overreacted! It's hardly overreacting when everyone else who received one has gone missing or been killed!"

I huffed in defeat and sighed back "but it's only for a few days and I'll be gone again" I started walking before he could protest anymore, already a few minutes late after being distracted by the little reunion. "I'll talk to you soon"

I couldn't hear exactly what he was replying as I turned the corner hastily not wanting to make a bad impression on my first day by being really late.


The daunting black gates of Arkham loomed above me, the building inside looked giant. It was quite overwhelming and now the prospect of being trapped inside with the inmates was very unappealing no matter how interesting I find their mental states.

I buzzed on the intercom "Hello, it's Elena here for work experience"

A voice projected out in reply "Turn left when you come inside to reach reception" then the gates screeched, opening slowly.

In reception I was met by an older lady "Sign in and walk down the corridor to room 26" she barked.

I did as she told not wanting to bother her further, maybe I should try and avoid her over this week I noted.

Room 26 contained two more students from university and the head psychiatrist. I recognised him from the news when he had been interviewed about the Joker.

"I'm glad you decided to join us at last Miss Rodgers" he remarked. Blushing from embarrassment at my tardiness I replied "I'm so sorry, it won't happen again I assure you. I'm very passionate about this line of work I wouldn't want to do anything to prevent this opportunity"

"What makes you more passionate than anyone else?" He gestured to the other two students who stood awkwardly, visibly uncomfortable in being involved in the ruckus I had created.

"I don't know whether I'm more passionate than them but I'm definitely just as passionate" I replied, what if telling him the real reason hinders my work here? They might treat me differently.

He chuckled, what was funny? "Oh the irony, you're here to talk to others about their problems, yet you won't talk about yours"

"My problems?"

"Well the face you pulled when I asked you suggested you're not comfortable sharing what really makes you passionate. Why is that?"

One of the others coughed, snapping his attention back to them. "Well I guess we better get on with the work experience then, shall we?" He walked out the door and we followed suit.

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