Unconditional Love

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***It's not easy***

Anika's pov-

"Anika..."I heard his voice, the voice for which I was craving for ages but now everything was changed.

"I'm sorry.. I "He said, but before he can complete I interrupted,

"Don't say anything Mr.Oberoi..." I said with heavy heart.

I knew very well how much it hurts him but I couldn't do the same mistake twice.

It's not easy,

To saw him in front of me ,

It's not easy,

To saw him in pain,

It's not easy,

To listen his painful words,

It's not easy,

To break my heart again,

It's not at all easy.

To heal my heart.

His eyes were filled with tears,
I so wanted to rub them,

His soul was crying,
I so wanted to soothe him,

His words were breaking,
I so wanted to calm him,


He isn't mine,
He was never mine,

Maybe someone might be waiting for him,
Maybe he wanted to go near someone.

I closed my eyes and let those tears fell down on my cheeks.

"Ani...kaaaa"I again heard his cracked voice.

And this time I couldn't hold myself back.

I automatically took step towards him.

He held my hand and electricity ran down my soul, this touch... This touch has still capacity to soothe my soul.

I wanted to hate him,
But I was again falling for him,

I wanted to slap him hard,
But I was again here soothing his pain,

I wanted to give him pain,
But I was crying seeing him in pain,

I never wanted to see his face,
But I won't ever get over it again.

I was no longer in my control,
What I was doing that was something so opposite I have ever thought of what I'll do after seeing him in front of my eyes ever.

He rubbed my tears,


His flowing eyes pierced my soul,

I immediately hugged him tight.

He instantly wrapped his one hand around me.

I didn't know what's that happening between us, I was crying while hugging the same person who has given me the pain!

Today was the day for the first time in last three years I let myself cry hysterically.

Today was the day when I let my heart out.

Today was the day when I gave someone the right to see my vulnerable state.

Today was the day when I cried in front the person for whom I still could die.

Today was the day I realized I can't ever love someone the way I love him.

Today was the day when I realized I can't leave without him.

I was sobbing bitterly without realizing anything around me.

That was the time, Ansh cried who was still in my hand,

That's when I realized I was giving pain to my child while hugging him.

That's when I realized what's wrong I was doing.

I immediately broke the hug and went away from the room with taking my baby in my hand.


***Unconditional Love***

Shivaay's pov-

I couldn't able to find proper words to explain my state.

Her tears made me more feel bad,
Her eyes held so much pain,

Her heart still beats for this man,
Her body still felt the same,

Her soul still can't get over this man,
Her heart still remain the same,

Hear she was again showering
Her Unconditional Love for this man.

I again realized how much fortunate I was,

I again realized how much wrong I was,

I again realized how much in love I was,

I again realized how much in love I
am, I'll be.

She couldn't see my pain,
That gave me good strength,

She still loves me,
That soothe my soul.

She hugged me,
That heal my heart.

She's mine,
And she'll be spoke the stars.

I immediately hugged her back and I just wanted to stop that moment at that time for what it felt like eternity.

But suddenly Ansh cried and she broke the hug and went out with breaking my heart.


I'm sorry for late updates but hope it's worth to wait.

Do comments.

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