The Speed Reading Course

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The Speed Reading Course

By Peter Shepherd


We all learn to read at school, after a fashion. But for most of us, this is not an

optimal use of our brain power. In this course you will learn to better use the

left brain's focused attention combined with the right brain's peripheral

attention, in close harmony. Good communication between the brain

hemispheres is a pre-requisite for creative thinking and also a sense of wellbeing,

where thoughts and feelings are integrated.

As you probably expect, this course will also teach you to read much faster and

at the same time, to remember more of what you have read. These are

obviously great advantages.

There is another major benefit. Most of us, as we read, 'speak' the words in our

heads. It is this subvocalisation that holds back fast reading and it is

unnecessary. It is possible to have an inner speech, a kind of 'thought

awareness,' that isn't linked to the tongue, mouth and vocal chord muscles, and

this is much faster and more fluent. Cutting out the identification of

vocalisation and the stream of thought gives a surprising by-product. Many of

us think that our constant subvocalised 'speaking voice' is who we are. Finding

out that you can think and be aware without a vocal stream of words, opens up

your consciousness to the usually unrecognised domain of intuition and

spiritual awareness. You'll have a better sense of who you really are. Try it and


The Definition of Reading

Reading may be defined as an individual's total inter-relationship with

symbolic information. Reading is a communication process requiring a series

of skills. As such reading is a thinking process rather than an exercise in eye

movements. Effective reading requires a logical sequence of thinking or

thought patterns, and these thought patterns require practice to set them into the

mind. They may be broken down into the following seven basic processes:

1. Recognition: the reader's knowledge of the alphabetic symbols.

2. Assimilation: the physical process of perception and scanning.

3. Intra-integration: basic understanding derived from the reading material

itself, with minimum dependence on past experience, other than a

knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.

4. Extra-integration: analysis, criticism, appreciation, selection & rejection.

These are all activities which require the reader to bring his past

experience to bear on the task.

5. Retention: this is the capacity to store the information in memory.

6. Recall: the ability to recover the information from memory storage.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2010 ⏰

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