chapter 17

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"What do you even get for a mum?"

Zayn peers at Louis from beneath his messy hair, eyes slitted in contemplation. He's a pinprick of complete calm amongst the bustle of the brightly lit shop, swarmed by individuals clutching handfuls of bags and children. "Tarot cards?"

Louis stares at him.

Right. He should've known better than to ask.

"Er. Thanks, Z," he smirks, valiantly resisting laughter as he continues strolling down the aisle. It's cold in here despite the number of bodies flitting about; his hands are freezing, even with Harry's gloves on. It must have to do with the fact that his ol' jean jacket has so many gaping, shredded holes now that his pockets are barely even pockets. If he were a smarter lad, he'd buy a new one.

But he's never claimed to be smart, so. Whatever.

"How about a rolling pin?" Zayn offers next, hands limp at his sides as he peers hesitantly around, eyes dark. The sentence is carried with all the languidity of assuredness because Zayn firmly believes everything he says, firmly believes his suggestions are practical and wise. It's one of the many reasons Louis loves him, actually.

So he laughs, clapping a hand briefly to Zayn's tense shoulder. The nylon of his parka is cold as well, seeping through the knit of Louis' gloves. "I think she's already got one of those, mate. But good effort."

In response, Zayn just hums contemplatively, swinging his arms as he continues walking, eyes still flicking around the shop with mild unease. It's a little chaotic inside—all the last minute shoppers (like Louis) are scrambling, trying to find the most heartwarming purchases that forty-eight hours can buy. And Louis knows that Zayn is a bit squeamish in the outside world, not to mention in crowds, so he sticks close to him as they continue perusing for Anne's present.

Louis wants to get her something nice. Special, like. It's the least he can do after she's offered to let him stay in her house for the entire holiday weekend, so. Like he said—it's the least he can do. And he likes her. Quite a lot, even.

They stop in front of a large thing. Inside are delicate bottles of perfume, glinting golden and silver and pink and pearl. They look fragile and clean, like Louis' hands would scuff them.

They also look mum-ish. Hm.

"How about perfume?" Louis questions, glancing sideways.

Zayn looks mildly overwhelmed. "Uh. Yeah," is all he grunts, shuffling closer to avoid an onslaught of laughing teenagers passing through.

Sighing, Louis looks back at the selection. They essentially all look the same.

"Isn't perfume kinda expensive?" Zayn asks after a moment, voice very near to Louis' ear, making him jump just a bit. Zayn gets a bit clingy and intrude-y whenever he feels awkward.

"Yeah, but, Anne's..." Louis shrugs, unsure of how to finish. He keeps his face aloof, shuffles from one foot to another. "She's a good lady. Want to get her something special. Especially if she's letting me stay with her family on Christmas, you know? Kinda... She's a bit like a second mum to me or summat. Or rather," Louis mumbles, a little darker than he means to, "A real mum."

At that, Zayn remains quiet, just stepping that much closer and breathing harshly through his nose. He smells like Niall and weed.

After Louis' successfully managed to obtain a clerk and a nice bottle of something-or-other for Anne, he pays at the till, barely flinching at the total while Zayn noticeably starts.

"Where'd you get that kind of money?" he asks, genuinely curious, as Louis stuffs his wallet back into his jeans and unceremoniously totes the sleek, shiny bag of perfume and tissue paper in his slackened hand.

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