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"Now, would you care for some breakfast?" That was the last thing I remember before the girl hit me. Really hard on the head. "F-Fuck."


I woke up on the bed, naked, and with a unclothed girl beside me. Sleeping on my arm. Mumbling things like: Harder! And, Oh yes!. So, I felt very uncomfortable. I got up in a way that didn't disturb the girl, and went to put some shorts on and go outside for some air. I, Xavier James, was most likely molested by an older human being of the opposite sex. God help me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around. I was hit on the head again. The girl grabbed me by my collar and dragged me back into the bus. "Whyyyyyyyyyyy?" I begged. "Because you have some questions to answer, mister."
"Fine, hit me," I got punched on the shoulder. "Not literally!" I said.
"You get three questions and that's it, three each day you're in my company," I said.
"Question One. Why did you help me?" She asked.
"Because I felt like it."
"Question Two. How did you find these things?" She said signaling around the room.
"Well, let's see, I LOOKED for all my things!"
"And Question Three! How does sex feel?"
"You heard me! I gave you a bottle of some heavy Vodka and asked you to fuck me!"
"You are so dead," I said.
"Meh, you actually had a good size! Can't wait to do it again!

I slapped my forehead. "God, how old are you?"
"About, hmm......... Nineteen!" She answered. "Why?" She asked. "I'm only Eighteen," I sighed. She put her hands over her mouth and gasped. "You take Viagra!" She exclaimed. "NO! What the fucking actual hell? My post-apocalyptic life was good before you waltzed into my bus, intoxicated said owner of bus, then raped me! What in the actual mortal hell world is fucking going on in your head!?" I burst.

She made an innocent gesture with her hands and backed away. I turned around and flopped down on the bed. I felt something sticky. I got up and looked at the mirror, sperm was all over my chest. The girl looked over and blushed, looking intensely at the ground. I grabbed my shirt and wiped the gooey substance off of me. The girl tackle hugged me when I was about to flop back down in the bottom bunk. She licked my earlobe and whispered into my ear, "You're mine now, and if I see you with any other girl, I will rape you till you beg for me to stop." I shivered, not only from the cold, but from what she said. She crawled into bed with me. I moved to the other side, but she moved around with me. Snuggling into my chest, forcing me to cope with her, whether I liked it or not.


He was cute, I'll admit that, but, he was Eighteen? Dang! I won't admit it, but life before WW5 was way more harder than it is now. Boys were always looking at me with eyes filled with lust, no love, just lust, only for the fact that I was small, and experienced. I spent many nights in many rooms, moaning, moving, and crying, when I had received news that the school that I had just recently moved from was hit by an Ekun, I rejoiced. I packed a bag and headed for a bunker in the center of the neighborhood, prepared for a situation like this. In the bag, I had packed my hunting knife, change of clothes, mallets, money, a pistol, and water, lots and lots of water.


I was weak and lonely, trudging through the barren city, I made it through to the outer edges and saw a bus. Maybe I can steal from it. I walked towards it. What looked like a Holo Projector flashed to life, I saw a silhouette open the door of the bus. I walked towards it. "Help," I whispered, before fainting.


I woke up too see the girl looking around the bus. "Oh! My name's Luna by the way. Do you have any condoms?" She asked. I threw a pillow at her and went back to sleep.

Wooooweeee! Dang! I love/hate this story! I've chosen to continue this story and put the others on hiatus, soooooooooooo *gets punched*. Ow!

Followers: You suck, you like the Nazi, the KKK, and the cake! *protests* Delete his account! Delete. His. Account!

Me: No! Writers block! Halp!

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