Chapter 7- You Deserve Happiness Too

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I throw my stupid alarm clock straight across the room.


At least it shut up.

I get off my comfy comfy bed and make my way to the bathroom.
I wanna catch mom before she goes to work.
She's a chef. She changes her shift often but today she's on the morning shift, which is from 8am to 3pm. On these days she's normally home by 4. So why did she stay out so late?

I'm going to find out.

When I'm done showering, I look through my closet for something sexy to wear.


I gotta show off what my mama and God blessed me with.


I pick out a gray cotton dress that stops a little pass mid-thigh.
It has a V shaped neckline and long sleeves.
I pair it with a black 4 inch stilettos. Yop I love heels. A silver necklace and matching earrings.

I'm definitely turning heads today.


I have 10 minutes till she leaves.

I pick up my school bag, keys, purse and rush downstairs in time to catch her making her coffee.

"Goodmorning Pumpkin!"

Hm. A little bit too cheerful.

I put on my meanest interrogator face.

"Where were you yesterday? You came home late and don't you dare lie to me Ms. Lockhart!"

She gives me a nervous smile and right at that moment I knew what was up before the words even left her mouth.

"I met someone. We've been dating for a little while now. I was going to tell you darling but I was just waiting for the right moment. Which is now! Yaaay!"

I give her a blank stare.
She didn't expect me to be okay with this?
She's an attractive woman, ofcourse she has to date at some point.

Eugenia Layla Lawrence- Lockhart is a 5'6" walking goddess. She has dark flawless caramel colored skin with pearly white teeth, small/non existent boobs, small waist, wideeeeee hips and a humongous butt.
Omg Man I swear she's a Queen♛.

So again, why wouldn't she be dating?
Its been six years. I expected her to be over it to be honest.
I just want her to be happy.

I walk up to her and give her the tightest hug I could muster up and give her a kiss on the cheek.

I then looked her in the eyes and said, "You deserve happiness too."

With that said, I walk out the house and jumped into my car.


I arrive at school ten minutes later. I park my car and start walking to the school's entrance.

Not even five seconds of walking and I hear cat calls and low whistles all around. I just shake my head and continued walking.

I make my way into the halls and all heads turn to me. I put on a triumphant smirk with my head held high and made my way past them. When I'm about to reach my locker I look up to see Aiden coming my direction. I immediately feel butterflies and I can't help but sigh. He's so fine.
I take the time to admire his outfit which is a white button down, dark blue stonewashed tight jeans and a white converse.
He's so sexy.

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