Chapter 1: a normal day at highschool

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Dear diary,
     It's me, Oka Ruto, again...
Hah it's just like this, this, book is the only thing I can talk to. It's kinda funny... Anyways there is a meeting today at the occult club. We had a new person join. She seems just like us but just...emotionless. Kinda reminds me of me before I made the club. Anyways today she agreed to go to the summoning ceremony, but the first time she joined she just kept her eye on the ritual knife. I wonder why... anyways I have to go.
  -Oka Ruto

I closed the book and put it in my nightstand drawer. I took the shoes on the side of my bed and put them on. Once they where on I got up and out the door. Not wanting to eat breakfast because some people at school called me fat so I didn't feel like eating. On my way to school I saw the new girl that just joined our club on her bike heading to school to. She saw me at the side of her eye and faced me but still had no emotion in her face. She looked at me than turned around and kept right her bike up to the school.

I arrived at school and as I was walking threw the gates I saw the rest of my club. So when they saw me Supana raised her hand and I walked over to them. We started talking about the club funds and what they where going to do at the meeting after school. "Maybe we should try a different demon to summon" said Shin Higaku (the substitute president) "L-let's just see W-what the new m-member of the club s-says" I say to the rest of the group. "I think that's a good idea" said Daku Atsu.

When we got to our lockers we started taking our shoes off to put our slippers on like normal. As I was putting my slippers on I saw the new club member go up to senpai and just stare at him. "What's wrong with her?" Is all he said before she walked off to her locker.

~~~~~~~~time skippu to lunch~~~~~

The lunch bell rang and I started heading upstairs to the roof, which is where I normally eat and watch people. As I was sitting on my normal spot I could hear the Basu sisters talking about something. I put my bento down and peek to the side of the corner so I could watch and listen to them. As I was doing that one of them turned around. " HEY, YOU BAKA GET AWAY FROM US. YOUR A WEIRDO!!" Than one of the sisters come and pushed me to the ground. As I was about to land someone caught me. I looked up to see a emotionless face staring at me. "Are you ok?" Said the new girl with no emotion. " y-yeah, thank you..." she helped me get up on my feet and then turned to the sisters. At first they looked confident in themselves but right when the new girl tilted her head they got terrified. "W-what are you doing!!" She just stared at them with a scary twisted smile. "oh you'll see in a little bit Basu sisters" than she walked off, still with the smile on her face. "T-thank you!!" I said as she walked away. She turned around and gave a little smile. "No problem, tell me if anyone does something else to you." As she walked off I felt different. Like that I was...protected by her. The thought of that made my face turn red and I covered my face with my hands so no one could see. I can't explain what I feel like. I just hope what is happening right now will never end.

As I went to sit back down to finish eating the bell rang. So I got up to go throw my stuff away. When I walked into class I saw that girl again. She was sitting right next to where I sit. My heart started speeding up and my face turned red. I sat in my desk and looked down so she couldn't see my face. "Hey your Oka Rito right? Your the one I help earlier." "Y-YES!" I said to her happily because she knew who I was. "Yeah that's what I thought. Anyways what are we going to do after school for the occult club meeting. I'm kinda curious, you know, because I just joined." She gave a little giggle. "O-oh well I told t-the rest of the c-club than we had a n-new person so we should let them make the plans. I h-hope that it's not much trouble b-but we all just want to know what k-kind of person you are." My heart was still beating faster and faster. "Oh ok I'll try my best to make every one have a good time." She gave a faint smile.

The bell rang so we all got up and people got into there groups to talk to each other I was just about to walk out. I felt a hand enter on my hand and I quickly turned around to see the new girl. "By the way my name is Ayano. Sorry for not telling you." I blushed "m-my name is Oka.... you probably already knew that." She smiled and kept holding my hand. "Well are we going to start heading to the club or what?! I really want to meet all the people!!" I blush even more. "O-oh yeah just follow me..." I did a little smile and kept on holding her hand and took her to the club.

We made it to the club room and everyone where already at there seats. "Hey guys this is our new club member Ayano. Please introduce yourselves." They all looked a little shocked when they saw us holding hands. But they all got up and when over to Ayano. She took her hand out of mine to shake everyone's else hand. She seemed nice to everyone and I could see that that was a new thing to them.

We did all of our club stuff and Ayano gave us some ideas. It looks like she has been doing this stuff for a while. When it was time to go home everyone got out and started heading to the front of the school. I was about to leave when I felt someone touch my shoulder. I turned around and Ayano hugged me. My face turned red and I didn't know what to do. "Thank you for being so nice to me." She smiled "t-thank you for being nice to e-every one. They always get picked on and they seem to l-like you." She let go and seemed surprised. Her face when serious. "Who picks on them, tell me." I was surprised "u-um well the main one is Musume, but we can't  really do anything because of her dad." She smiles "well thank you for telling me that. I have to go I'm sorry but I'll see you tomorrow." She smiles and runs away. "O-ok bye"

To Be Continued...

Hallo guys so I've been planning on doing this but just tell me if you want to keep this going. Anyways everyone have a better day than me

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