Scene One

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When I was young, my mother left. For a long time it was just my brother, father and I. My dad had been a traveler, experiencing places far beyond the rocky shores of Karrigorm. What's more, he loved telling stories and tales of adventure through every far away kingdom imaginable. One day, he decided to tell me of worlds beyond the island.

My family was in one of the six bloodlines of known magic. We were of the line of blue-magic, meaning we were called Wizards. Our mother had been a Witch of green-magic. However, both my brother and I carried our father's blood. We couldn't perform the ability of green-magic, healing, but we were born with the blue ability to enhance the senses. That of course meaning we were insanely good at hide-and-seek.

The other four bloodlines were: yellow, purple, orange, and red. While every type of magic had their own unique ability, those of any blood could learn basic magic. Often called simple-magic or white-magic, it allowed the caster to perform basic spells used for work, cooking, cleaning, and various other things in daily life.

My dad told me everyone with yellow-magic were tricksters. They were all jesters and hooligans that went by the name of Sorcerers. With the ability of hallucinations and poison, their schemes led from hysterical to deadly and their potions and elixirs were known for causing both peace and trouble.

Mages who practiced purple-magic often did so in reclusion. Their ability of prophecy gave the bloodline a sense of mystique. All knew that every word from the prophecy of a Mage was true. The idea alone was terrifying to me.

Many believed that the orange bloodline had completely died out. Sightings of orange-magic Warlocks were only scattered rumors. But conspiracists wagered that Warlocks still walked among us. With their ability of transformation, they could be any one of the animals we let into our homes and villages; they were simply hiding or waiting for the moment to strike. My brother and I often pretended that our pets were Warlocks in disguise but in reality we knew Dexter and Max were just big fluffballs of dog.

Lastly were Magicians. With a bloodline of red-magic granting them the ability of influence, they were masters of persuasion.

My father told me that was the way the ruler of the red-magic kingdom convinced his people that every other bloodline was inferior. He claimed anyone outside of the city walls was a disgrace to all of magic. Only Magicians had the right to cast as our ancestors did. So inside those walls every magic that was non-red was outlawed. Using another color magic was punishable by death.

For a long time the other kingdoms were just stories to me. Some days I would look to the mainland, curious as to what was more, but I had no desire to leave. I felt deep down that I'd never leave the island. I would live and die in the blue dominion.

That was, until, my father decided that I should go to stay with my mother for an allotted period of time. And just like that, I was shipped off. (Quite literally seeing as I traveled by boat to the mainland at the ripe old age of fifteen.) Away from my home, family and friends. And frankly I was terrified. Not only had I not seen my mother in eight years but also that I would be staying in a place thriving with unfamiliar green-magic.

The Captain dropped me off at the port, telling me that if I got lost I could just ask for directions. The problem was though that I had no desire to ask any one of the many magic users that roamed the port town. I felt distinctly out of place. My attire immediately pinned me as a Wizard, with various hues of blue shining off the island stones that hung from my neck and wrapped around my wrists, as well as a satchel with a blue emblem emblazoned on the side. I could pick out some people's colors if I payed attention though, so I tried to scope out someone who shared my own blue ancestry.

It took me a while but I finally spotted someone I was willing to ask. He was a young man, with an island stone band at his wrist and a strong demeanor about him. I would have been intimidated if it weren't for the fact that he vaguely reminded me of my brother. Nevertheless, I still approached cautiously.

"Excuse me, sir?" I flinched, as my voice sounded more like a squeak than anything else. But it caught the man's attention all the same so I tried again,

"Excuse me, but do you have a minute?"

The man gave a stiff smile and I felt a bit of dread pool in my stomach.

"I may be able to spare a moment," he spoke, "What is it you need?"

I brighten a little, at least he's helping me. I respond, "I am a bit turned around, do you think that you could point me in the direction of Glasbaile?"

The shift in the man's expression was immediate, his gaze sharpened and a scowl formed on his lips, making my skin prickle in anxiety. He doesn't answer and I involuntarily take a step back.

"What was that you said there, boy?" he growled.

I floundered for an excuse as his demeanor darkened even more.

"Gabe! Buddy!" I jumped as a hand clamped down on my shoulder. "There ye'are! I was looking all over for you!"

I turn in shock to find an unfamiliar boy at my side with vibrant green hair, who looked maybe a few years older than me. He was grinning broadly at me so I gave a confused smile in return. He looks away before I can question what is going on.

"Ye' weren't giving Gabe any trouble I hope," the boy's gaze rested firmly on the man and it suddenly clicked in my brain what he was trying to do.

The man glared daggers at the newcomer and gritted his teeth, "Not at all." He shifted his eyes back to me (my heart pounded involuntary), "Gabe was just leaving actually."

I gave a shaky faux smile before the boy retreated, dragging me along with him.

-end scene-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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