Chapter 1-the beginning

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Ever since that day everything has changed . My life as a 12 year old girl turned out to be something I have never thought I would of been in my life. Something so magical and unimaginable that no one would ever believe. apart from my 11 other friends who had the same extraordinary change in their life, and it all started on September the 23rd 2016

It was on my first day back to school from the summer holidays, and I was going to my first year in secondary school. I was pretty nervous and febrile about it , even though everyone from year 7 were feeling the same. I wanted to do a good impression to everyone since first impressions are always important.
The uniform for the school was pretty smart, which i really admired the idea of how they want the students to look like. It included a tie with red stripes ,and instead of grey uniform it was black , and also had a blazer along with it.
My mother told me that the transport I needed to go by was the train. So my mum and dad was going to go with me to school since it was my first day.
"Sweetheart are you ready to go?"
"Yes," I replied whilst putting on my bag.
We proceeded all as a three to the train station and my dad checked on his phone for the train times. "Looks like there are cancellations for the train we are taking, we are going to have to wait for the other one which is going to be in 40 minutes." He signed.
"Isn't there going to be any other way which wouldn't take that long?" I replied.
"Sorry kiddo, you may be 5 or 6 minutes late to school, but I will try to see what I can do."
I felt bewildered and annoyed because I knew it was going to be that one awkward moment when walking into the assembly with everyone looking at you. It always makes me feel uncomfortable and so humiliating, and I'm sure many other people would have the same feeling when experiencing those times.
I clicked in with my zip card to go through the gates , and then I trudged down the stairs slowly to platform 3. I sat down on one of those seats at the end of the platform . And took out my 11th book on the unfortunate events from my bag just to pass time.

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