On April 23, 2017 a New Jammer said Spike Giveaway My den!
I decided to go on my Xxim0katxx account because jammers usally assosiate membership with rares.
I went because I thought it would be a scam. I was right! They said the first trade they accepted would get black long! Then I said I had a Scammer Watch Program!
I add that I have been taking pictures the WHOLE time!
Suddenly, The New Jammer leaves and someone appears at my den.
I go to my den and who do I find? No one else accept the New Jammer himself.
I couldn't take pictures each time he wrote a messgage because he typed so fast. This is the Chat History Though.
I went to the den on my Rarezarepixels account. He had logged off. Suddenly, It showed the name of the New Jammer in the den!
The New Jammer's Username is Gavinsigmond. Who knows if they will ever be on that account again. It is still a New Jammer though because You can't search there name, or click on there name in the den.
Remeber, If a New Jammer says Spike Giveaway In there den, It Is a scam! They made that account for the purpose of scamming!
This is Rarezarepixels signing off, after another day of finding Scammer Jammers.
Rarezarepixels Animal Jam Scammer Watch!
RandomAnimal Jammers get scammed everyday! Those scammers need to leave! I think we should all report these jammers!