When are you gonna stop lying?! (part 1)

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*imagine for Brittney*

"Stop walking away from me, Brit!!....... We need to talk!.......BRITTNEY PLEASE!!! screamed Hayes.

"WHAT HAYES?! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" I screamed as I stopped walking and turned around.

"What's your problem, babe?! why are you acting like this??......."  he said angerly but quieter than me. He walked closer to trying to touch my arm.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME WITH YOUR ROTTEN HANDS! I HATE YOU! ya know you should just go back to jordan..LIKE YOU DO EVERY FUCKIN DAY!!" I sarcastically screamed.

"Whoa..whoa..Brit, what are you talking about????" He said pretending he doesn't know what i'm talking about.

"Just stop hayes..quit lying to me..all it's been is lie after lie after lie. When are you gonna stop lying to me, Hayes?!" I said with my voice cracking up, about to cry. I could feel the weight in my throat from holding back my tears. The aching in my stomach, the thumping in my head and chest from all the different emotions i'm feeling right now. Sooner than later, I see my vision getting blurry from the tears about to trickle down my cheeks. He stood there silently waiting for a response and still curious, worried.

"Hayes......I saw the picture madi posted of you and jordan the other night...don't pretend like you don't know what i'm talking about because i know you do, hayes. Just tell me it's true so I know I'm not going crazy..." I said showing the cracks in my voice more and more. He stood there silently for a minute then finally said "ok it's true I kissed jordan..but before you jump to conclus-". I cut him off and walked away before he makes some ridculous excuse and so he won't see me cry. 

"Brittney wait please babe please let me explain!" he said by the time he said that i was already down the hall. I heard footsteps getting faster and coming closer so I ran to my hotel room. I couldn't get to my room in time so I ran into Cameron and Matt's room because they were out wiht the other guys. I opened the door and locked it right when i got in. I put my back against the door as i hear hayes telling me to open up, that he made a mistake and that i don't know the whole story. I was sick of it..i just wanted to be alone. I hear all these voices in my head about how people are saying great things about jordan and hayes instead of me and him. I put my hands in my hair and clenched my fist trying not to flip out..it didn't work. I ran off in the room and threw all the pillows everywhear and the blankets. Then i threw the last pillow and it hit the lamp and fell on the floor. I thought no one was in the room then i made a mistake...Matt was in the room. I was running everywhere trying to do something to calm myself down nothing worked..matt walked out of the bathroom scared to see who it was then he saw me and was shocked. He ran up to me, grabbed my arms and said "Brittney what happened?! what are you doing??" I stood there as he had a good grip on me by my arms while i wasn't making eye contact with him and was trying to stop the crying. Then he hugged me and I cried so hard like I never did before. We sat down on the bed as i was still crying so hard, him hugging me so tight, trying to comfort me. Thankfully, after 10 mintues i stopped crying. 

Matt: Are you ready to explain to me what happened??

Me: yeah..you know madi, jordans best friends?

Matt: yeah what about her?

me: She posted a picture of hayes and jordan kissing from when she came to visit him at magcon, back stage. Once i saw that i walked away from him. I didnt even want to see his face. I was feeling all these different emotions i didn't know what to do. So i ran into your room, i thought you guys were gone and i couldn't control myself and i went on a tantrum and destroyed your room. I stood by the door while all the comments that i read on madi's picture on how cute they look and how they should go out again. It was literally like none of them ever knew me and hayes were dating for 2 straight years. It hurts like a bitch, Matt. And i don't know what to do.


"God, i'm the biggest idiot ever!! I can't believe i let her get away like that. She needs to know that  jordan came on to me first and i pushed her back as soon as she got onto me. Nash, you gotta believe me on this." I said over the phone.

"dude i don't know but we're all on our way right now. So chill for a sec or something. But, we need to make a plan to trap her so she'll be forced to listen to your side of the story." Nash said back. 

"alright dude thanks. Hurry up. i have no idea what she's doing in that room and i'm pretty sure its not good!' i said before i hung up. 

I ran back to the door to see if it was open. I jiggled the doorknob begging her to open up "Brittney baby please don't to this to me....don't do this to us. Please i never wanna leave you. And i know you don't wanna leave me either..please...at least talk to me. You don't even have to look at me..please i just need to know that you're okay..please...." i said. I'd never think i'd try for a girl this hard but she left a mark on me emotionally. 


I hear the begging and apologizes starting again through the door coming out of Hayes' mouth and I was growing that anger again. I tightened my jaw with the heat going through my body. I got up but then  matt pulled me back down as he got up and walked towards the door. 

matt: listen hayes..i don't think Brittney is in the mood right now just give her some space okay?

hayes: no. No Matt! That's not an option i need to see h-

matt: no hayes. You stop okay? Do not argue with me. I think you've gone enough. 

After matt said that he closed the door right in his face. I started to tear up again so i got under the sheets and laid down silenctly crying. He knew i was crying so he climbed in the sheets with me and flipped me over and hugged me close to his chest as tight as possible............


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