Destaria Oneshot

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"You deserve to go to hell." The older spat as he danced around his younger brother. 

The younger laughed with a bitter tone. "That isn't a nice thing to say Okari, do you kiss you're mother with that mouth?" 

Okari's face changed to a face of pure, unbridled rage. "You have no right to say anything about my mother. OUR mother, the mare you threatened to kill." He snapped, his horn beginning to glow brightly. 

The serpentine stallion's eyes narrowed, anger starting to bubble inside his stomach. "Kill? KiLL?! You actually thought that I'd do such a thing?! To my own mother no less?!?!"

Both stallions stalked around each other in a circle, their horns glowing powered by a newfound rage. Okari kept his stance, refraining from taking another step. His younger brother stopped as well, keeping his head low to the ground. 

"That's what you threatened. You threatened to kill the queen, your mother, if the king didn't allow you to participate in the Magic Games. You are nothing more than a criminal Viper, a filthy monster that kills without mercy." 

The younger stallion hissed, obviously urked by something the older had said. He slowly moved forward toward his brother, his tail swinging in a rhythmic pattern. His voice was low as he spoke. 

"Monster? You're calling me the monster? Are you so caught up in the moment that you forget who I am? Who I was?"

Okari gulped, for once he was actually scared for his life. At the hands of his brother no less. He found his voice a mere second later. "I know exactly who you are, and who you were. You used to be such a joyful colt, you had a future ahead of you! Viper you had so much, you had a loving home, friends, a mare who was in love with you, parents that loved you, and a brother that would do anything for you. Yet you threw all that away because of dark magic, because you just weren't satisfied with what you had. You went and turned yourself into a ruthless monster."

"You think you knew me? You think you knew everything about me don't you?! I bet you also think you didn't contribute to my transformation?! Let me inform you of something Okari, since you don't seem to know. I had no future ahead of me, unless I wanted to be a fucking secretary to you for the rest of my life. You were next in line for the throne, not me. You got everything you wanted, and got treated like a god. But what about me Okari? Do you know how I got treated?"

The older kept his muzzle shut, a new string of guilt forcing it's way into his gut. 

"Do you know why Okari?!?!" Viper shouted, his face only a few inches from Okari. 

"No Viper." He whispered, trying to advert his eyes only to get grabbed by Viper's hoof. 

"Of course you don't, because you got to sit back and bask in the warmth of all those horses around you. All those horses who praised you, the ones who told you how great of a king you would be. Meanwhile, I was treated like absolute shit. Our parents constantly made me practice magic, because for some reason I couldn't do any kind of magic. Being a royal without the ability to do magic was strictly frowned upon, why? Oh, because then I'd be unworthy of the royal title. I'd be a disgrace, a laughing stalk, a big hit to their ego. Did you know, that a child who cannot preform magic is considered a curse in the royal lineage?" 

Viper backed off, his eyes never leaving Okari's. 

"And my 'friends?" He said sarcastically, bitterness dripping off his tongue. "They only used me to get to you. They only pretended to be my friend, pretended to give any sort of feeling to me. Once I invited them home to play, they'd instantly seek to find you because Okari was just so cool. The older prince was just sooo cool and kind. Soon, I stopped making friends. I stopped trying all together. And did anyone give a fuck when I stopped coming to dinner? When I stopped coming to training? When I stopped everything and decided to turn to dark magic?"

Okari stared into Viper's eyes, an image of the old Viper flashed into his mind. "I cared." He whispered. 

The younger hissed, his head lowering and eyes slits. "You were the one that I wanted to hear from the most. You're the one that I wanted to go too, and you were the one who never came. You were too wrapped up in your studies, and pushed me away too. You didn't get to care, you don't get the right to care." He spat, the edge in his words slicing through Okari's heart. 

"Viper, I didn't know what you were going through. There was just so much going on and-"

"SHUT YOUR MUZZLE OKARI!!!" Viper screeched, his eyes emitting a black mist. 

"Viper, please just listen!" Okari said weakly, with a sudden urge to cry.

"I have no interest in hearing what you have to say Okari. I don't care, not anymore. I'm just a ruthless monster like you said." He spat, his horns oozing a toxic looking black smoke. 

"Viper-" Okari cut himself off, seeing that that was the end of the conversation. He prepared himself for a battle. 

Without warning, Viper shot a powerful blast of dark magic at his older brother. The purple stallion lunged at his wounded brother, the latter clumsily dodging. Okari stumbled and fell to the ground, a pool of blood gathering around him. He was certain that he'd broken something and had pierced something within him, and he thought for sure this was his deathbed. However, Viper stood over him his eyes back to normal and mixed look of regret, anger, and sadness. 

Then he spoke, "I'll do nothing. I'll let you live, allow you to become king, and watch you rise to success. Then, I'll rob it all from you. I'll take away the world you create and smash it right before your eyes."

Okari suddenly felt himself be lifted, carried, then dropped again. His eyes weren't open, and he only heard muffled conversations. At some point he must have bee blindfolded and taken to a place he wasn't familiar with. It reeked of alcohol and was awfully loud. How he hadn't passed out was unknown to him, but the pain in his body was still there. He felt the grip of healer magic working it's way around his insides. Whoever had done it, didn't complete the job and left him in more pain than before. However, he wasn't dead yet. Before he could ponder anymore, his heart was slowed and he unwillingly fell into a deep sleep. 

When he awoke, he was being cared for in his bedroom in the castle. His parents pacing with worry, a nurse at his side, and a mysterious mare that had come for a visit. 

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