Running Away

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    My mind was made up I no long can live under a roof ,that is no more then hate full people and broken bones.
   My name is Lilly Foxworth, 18 years old and I have never seen the outside world in my life. The only outside contact I have is through a small basement window. My mother and father are helpless drunks that can't get their life togather. So to pass their time they beat and rape me in the most terrible ways introduced to man kind. I had a brother that would be 19 in two days from now. If your wondering what happened to him he ran away when I was 13, saying he would come back for me but never did. I gave up hope on him when I turned 16. I would  cry every night for three years for my brother but he never came.
   But, tonight would be different I will be able to live a new life and start all over. No more beatings from mercy less parents. I will be free today is the day I ecape from the hell hole I call home.
  "What are you smiling about you brat?!"My father said walking into the basement with a whip in his hands.
  "Nothing father " I said looking at the ground
  "Well give me just a second and I will wipe that smirk off for you!" One thing about my father is he hates when people smile, I don't know why I think it's because his father would always beat him half to death if he smiled.
  I stayed quiet I did not want to anger him any more then he must be.
  "Take off your shirt you brat!" He commanded
  I said nothing just did as I was told , if I would say anything I would surely be beaten two times worse then he had in mind.
   "How about we do thirty lashes now and twenty in the morning?" He asked with a evil laugh.
   Of course I didn't say anything ,just mentally prepared for what was about to  be bestowed onto my body.
   " I'll take that as a yes then." He said and started cracking the whip as hard as he could.
  For every time that the whip hit my bare skin I would release a piercing scream. The pain, I was used to it really didn't hurt but if I didn't scream I would anger my father and I didn't want to do that.
    He was finally finished and left with out saying a word . My body would be sore but I didn't care I had to leave.

*fasrtford  because im lazy*

   My parents finally went out to the local bar that was only a few blocks away , giving me the perfect change to sneak out the house without them even noticing - well until they come down to the basement to start the end less cycle of torment. I quickly put my plan in order once I heard the front door open and close. I jumped up from the hard cement floor that I was laying on and quickly went to the old stained up window. Before I continued my plain, I looked around the basement which had been my only home for 18 years. I knew if I would be caught by my parents then I would surely be dead. After a moment of looking at that basement I broke the window and quickly crawled out . The outside air hit me and a shiver went down my back but I didn't mind I was finally free , no longer in the arms for hateful parents.
  On that note I ran, not caring where I was going because at this point anywhere was better then that house. A ran into what seemed like a pathway with two brick walls. I never looked back only forward until I needed air that is. At that point I just walked.
   It seemed like I walked for hours until I heard a loud bang and people yelling. I  walked in the direction of all the yelling and saw three very tall men and one limp body on the ground.
  I didn't know what to do I was in complete and total shock . So I turned around and started the other way and started running but then I felt strong arm pull me back .
   " Well boss look what we got hear!" A male said in a strong husky voice. He had strong features and tattoos all over his body ,and a scar on his right eye.
   "Boss can I take her home see looks so cute" Another male said but this one seemed younger and looked more nicer
  "No will just kill her." A tall man came out of the shadows . If I wasn't in this situation I would think his perfect blue eyes and strong features were to die for and he look nothing less then an angle.
  "Alright then on your knees."  The man that was holding me said,I don't know what washed over me  I just obeyed and did what I was told . They seemed taken back by my actions but never the less held the gun to my head .
  "Hey boss I ..... " another person came from the corner he stopped talking when he say me.
   "Lil is that you" the boy said stepping into the light so I could see him.
   My heart dropped to my stomach and tears feel from my eyes. Only one person in this world called me by my pet name "Lil" it was the one how gave it to me. My brother!
   "J-jayson" I said I couldn't form words my speatch was suddenly gone
  For what seemed like a good two minutes nobody talked just looked back and forth at me and my brother.
  "Uhum"Mr.perfect said breaking the silence
  "Oh Branson get that gun out of my sister face!"Jayson snapped walking up to me.
  When he pulled me up, I didn't know what to do ,until I thought of all those years I cried myself to sleep because I wanted my brother . Before I knew my hand were  flying in the air only to come across Jayson's face with aloud 'pop'
  " How could you leave me in that house with those people!? You said you come back for me you never did why!? I cried myself to sleep for three years Jayson hoping and praying that my big brother would come back to save me! Do you have any idea what they did to me when you left? .." I couldn't talk any more I just broke out in to loud sobs .
  "Lil I'm so sorry ." Was all he said before he pulled me into a hug then the darkness took over and all I could hear was the distant crys from my brother to wake up and keep my eyes open.

  Okay so this is my first book and I don't really know if it will be the best so yea if you find any mistakes please tell me how I can fix them🤗🖒

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