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~ zack ~

Simon who is a tall blonde teen with light grayish blue eyes with glasses right now he has on tan shorts and a black button up long sleeve shirt he's pretty smart as well as having rich parents that paid for this trip for us which was so nice of them, tony whos is also tall like simon but more built and into playing sports had light red hair and dark brown eyes he too had glasses at the moment he had black sweat pants on and a black long sleeve that had his football team on it which happens to be the raiders personally i'm a fortyniner fan but that's just me it's fun that there four of us have different teams the conversations we have get interesting, michael who's like me alittle on the short side but he's still taller than me some how having black hair and brown eyes and also having glasses i'm the only one out of the four of us that didn't wear glasses tonight he had on a dark gray hoodie and light blue skinny jean and then myself the shortest but oldest of this goofy group of guys having black hair and light gray eyes and built more than simon and michael I had on a gray long sleeve shirt and black sweats, the four of us were out camping for the summer, The four of us have had so much fun already and it's only the first day of are 4 month long stay in the mountains. we've had a long day of hiking and enjoying the cool water of the lake that's not far away from the campsite we all agreed on. now were all sitting on are folding chairs around the campfire that the other three watched me make by the way and talked about the events that had unfolded that day. Tony talked about how he pushed michael in the lake it was a sight to see, michael added in the part where for his revenge he put a fish in tony's pant we had a good laugh watching tony freak out. After awhile of us chatting by the fire I started to get tired so I left my group friends to talk as I retreated to my bed in our tent for the night, I had barely laid my head down on my pillow when I hear screaming that sound like my friends. I grabbed a flashlight from my bag and leave the tent to investigate what had happened. the camp fire was out but It was just lit a second ago? what could have happened in such a short amount of time? I shined the light around the campfire where my friends had been but all the chairs were empty. I see something by one of the abandoned chairs that had been knocked over but I froze when I hear a low sound, I shined my light towards the source of the sound. I see a limp figure on the floor and I gasped in shock as I recognized the body. "M-michael" I knew it was him from the color of his jacket which was a dark gray. For a moment I can only looked at his body in frozen fear until he moved slightly making me snap out of my daze, I came closer to him and I instantly regretted it as a large pool of blood had formed around him and I had just stepped in my friends blood. From the amount of blood I saw on the floor michael shouldn't even be alive much less being able to move but I came even closer so I could try to help him but then I saw that I hadn't seen him move on his own something was dragging him or moving him. I only saw a large black shape but I didn't stay long to find out when the creatures eyes looked at me eyes that were like two gray moons that sent fear into every part of my body, I sprinted away in a blind panic fear taking over my mind all I could think was run and don't look back. I mentally hated myself for leaving michael but I was to frightened to help only run and leave him behind.

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