Chapter 10

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Shino's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night. I would say that it made me mad, but at the same time, it gave me some time to think. I was still groggy with the effects of sleep, I was almost completely ignorant of my immediate surroundings. I did, however, know where I was.

As my surroundings became more and more clear, my thoughts began to drift. They brought me to memories of my life outside of this virtual hell. I thought of that day in the post office, the look my mother had on her face, and the store clerks that were staring on in horror. Those were only the first thoughts though. Following those, came memories with Kazuto and Suguha. The best times of my life to date.

At this point I was completely awake, and fully aware of my surroundings. I was snuggled up to Kazuto on the single bed in our room at the inn. It may not have been necessary, or appropriate, but on impulse I snuggled up closer to him.

It's been two weeks since this death game started, I thought. and not one person has made any progress in locating the boss room deep in the labyrinth. It was hard to tell if we would ever make it out of this game, and at the moment all I could do is hope. Soon, though, I intend to change that. Kazuto and I will start exploring the labyrinth as soon as we are at a safe level.

I couldn't afford to think that we won't get out. I confessed how I felt to Kazuto, I have to get back to the real world so we can be together for real.

It wasn't that I didn't think that we weren't together here, no. It was different though. In the game, you can only be with one another to a certain extent. It isn't as real as the real world. No matter how immersive Sword Art Online was, or how many sensations it could simulate, there was nothing that could top the authenticity and tangibility of the real world.

I cuddled almost impossible close to Kazuto, and began to feel the effects of fatigue taking hold on me again.

In SAO there are two primary need, sleep, and food. It was hard to justify food, but sleep made since. After all, you brain is being active wethers is the real world or virtual world.

As I started to doze off again, my thoughts faded from my mind. The only thing that was left, would stick with me. Whether we were in a battle, questing, or sleeping, it would never leave my mind. I would dream of it. It was my motivation. My true reason for beating the game. I was going to make sure that Kazuto and I made is back to the real world, so that we could enjoy our live. Who knows, maybe we'd even enjoy our live with one another.

Two weeks had passed since that night. Kazuto and I had focused on getting stronger, and upgrading our equipment. I had kept my sword the "Beautiful Thorn" and focused on upgrading that, but that's not to say I was unprepared. Just in case my sword ever broke in a dungeon, I have three more in my inventory. None of them were as good as the "Beautiful Thorn" but would help me out of a pinch if I needed it.

Kazuto and I had reached our goal in leveling, and were going to head to the labyrinth to explore when we got the news. There was a meeting about the first floor boss. Apparently someone had found it, and we were meeting to discuss strategies on how to clear the stage.

I really didn't want to go to it. Large crowds have always made me nervous, but in addition to that, beta tester get a bad reputation. Being beta testers, I wanted to avoid any confrontations with people, if at all possible. Kazuto insisted that we go through, so that's where we are headed.

When we got there, there were a lot fewer people that expected. I wasn't sure if I should be relieved or concerned. On one hand, I didn't have to deal with a crowd. On the other, if these were the only people who were going to fight the boss, we may be in trouble.

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