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As Chanyeol woke up he found himself in the hospital room. Everything hurt. But the only thing he could think was
"Where is Baekhyun?" He looked around and everyone in the room had tear stained faces. He began to worry and his heart began to race. "Where is he? ...Where is Baekhyun?!... Where is my boyfriend?! ...Where is he?!... Why won't anyone answer where he is?!.. What happened?"

That's when Luhan broke the silence with a sob as he buried his head in Sehun's chest. Xiumin covered his mouth with his hand and cried as Chen wrapped his arms around him.

"Chanyeol." D.O. choked out as his voice shook. He tried so hard to fight back the tears."Baekhyun was ejected from the car. You were hit by a drunk driver on your way home from the movies. Your car rolled and-........ And- he didn't make it." D.O. said as he chocked back sobs. "The doctor said-... The doctor said they were lucky they could save you... They didn't think you would make it. They said you're barely alive now"  DO said as he tried not to cry. By that time Chanyeol's brain had begun to realize that Baekhyun was gone.


He wasn't coming back.


His entire life had slipped through his fingers because of one person's bad decision.

He would never go to prom with Baekhyun, or graduate highschool and college together. They would never get married and adopt kids or own a house together. They would never get to wake up on Christmas morning in their own house, and watch their kids open up presents, and he wouldn't get to watch Baekhyun open the special present he has been saving all year for him. Or watch his eyes light up at the smallest things. He would never see that lost puppy face snuggle into his chest as they cuddled on Chanyeol's bed. They would never get to celebrate their 3 year anniversary that was in 2 days. He would never get to see Baekhyun walking down the isle as he stood at the alter, being joined as one with the person who he loves most in the world. He would never get to live the rest of his life with Baekhyun and Baekhyun would never get to live his life.

That's when Chanyeol began to sob. He cried hysterically. It hurt. He felt like he was dying inside. He had just lost the love of his life. And he didn't even get to say 'i love you' one last time. He didn't get to tell Baekhyun that he was his world and that he couldn't live a day with out him. Then he remembered. Baekhyun has a little sister and an older brother. How would his family feel? How would he tell them?. That was something he would think about for another time. Right now he felt so tired. And it was kinda hard to breathe...
... He was so tired...
... He just wanted to go to sleep....
... His eyes began to close...
He heard his name being yelled and more crying... He heard screaming...
"I can't loose you too!! I can't loose both of you!"
... He heard a loud beeping really fast before everything went quiet...

And he fell asleep, going to his one and only true love...

2 months later

" Hey bro. Um..It's me. Sehun,... Your best friend. I know I haven't been able to spend as much time up here with you. But life has been busy, you know?... I'll try to spend more time with you.... Everyone is still having a hard time with you two being gone. You used to set the mood and now everything is kinda... I don't know... Boring... And sad... We had your funerals last week...Luhan is pretty shaken up about Baekhyun... He punched a kid tho. They said something about "why should we care about some kid who died 2 months ago" or something like that and Luhan went ballistic. He started screaming at the kid about respect and when the kid said something about Baekhyun being "a fag that deserved to die", he put him in the hospital. I had never seen that side of him before. I guess it's all because of you two tho, huh?. Yeah. I hope it's nice up there where you are.... I really hope it is... I know it's perfect for you tho,..  because you got your Baekhyun back... You got your angel... The one thing in life you said you needed. You got it back." By this time he was crying and sitting down in-between his and Baekhyun's grave.
"And you. Baekhyun. You sure did break Luhan's heart. Hell, you broke everyone's heart.... Well everyone you knew... Luhan and I have been taking care of your mom... Well, both of your mom's... They show us pictures of you when you were babies. Everytime we go to leave, we sit in the driveway and cry. I have been living with Luhan for quite a while now. We have posters around school for drinking and driving and for your memorials. God you two broke the school.  We have assemblys about drinking and driving and we sell ribbons for you two and wristbands and even t-shirts. You two really made an impact on us you know? Luhan and D.O are trying to get by. Xiumin is shaken up by it too. I mean... You helped him make friends at this school and you were the only person who didn't bully him for his weight. It turns out, his anorexia came back. Chen is trying to help him through it and is getting him to eat little bits of food. Suho and Lay are getting married after they graduate. So are D.O and Kai. D.O. said that he had always pictured his special day with you as his brides maid but now you're not here anymore... God I miss you both... I wish you would come back to us. But I know, that won't happen.. ever..And it hurts. Oh my fucking good it hurts.
Maybe I'm selfish. If I am, then I want to be a selfish bitch who has his best friends back. I want you to come back so bad. It hurts​ so fucking bad and there is nothing I can do to make the pain go away. I always came to you hyungs for advice and now I don't have anywhere to go. Chanyeol I lived at your house. You taught me so much. You taught me how to stand up for myself. How to drive. How to smile without feeling self-conscious. You were supposed to teach me more things too. You were supposed to be at my wedding. You were going to be the one writing a speech for me..." He chocked on a sob. " Not me writing a speech for your death. You were supposed to write my wedding speech because I don't know how to write and you are always creative. You left us and now I don't know what to do. I always went to you hyungs for advice and now your gone and I don't know who to ask..."

"Sehun? Is that you? "

"I have to go... The basketball team is having a memorial service for you.. it's like a banquet because you always ate our food." And with a little laugh Sehun got up, and left the cemetery on top the hill.

" Byun Baekhyun? Hey. Um I know we didn't really talk much. I sat behind you in history. My name's Jungkook. Um... I got into the same accident you did. No I wasn't the drunk driver. But I was in the car with him. He said he was sober. But I always thought that there was a stop sign there. I don't know. Maybe he just didn't see it. Maybe there wasn't one there. But all I know is that I'm so sorry for what happened to you two. I have to go. My boyfriend wants me to come with him to your banquet. Bye" and with that, the boy, Jungkook, left the small cemetery on the hill.

Byun Baekhyun
A brother, son, team mate.
A loving boyfriend who would do anything for his other half, Park Chanyeol.

Park Chanyeol
A brother, son, teem mate.
A boyfriend who left this world after hearing how his other half left. He couldn't live as half a person, for his lover, byun Baekhyun, was his other half.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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