How He Asks You To Prom

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Jacob: He will ask one of your friends to lure you into the hallway and there you find him lying in the middle of the hall with a sign on his chest that says "I'm dying to go to Prom with you."

Jesse: During the night him and a few of his friends help fork your lawn with "Will you go to prom with me?" on them, lining the sidewalk so you read it as you walk out of your house.

Jared: Asks the principal to get a pep rally together at the next assembly and has a teacher pull you down to the floor. He gets a bunch of your friends together and even your acquaintances in on it and has them carry signs asking "Will you go to prom with Jared?"

Jeffrey: By lighting a bunch of tiny candles and then placing them up your driveway to your house followed by a red rose bouquet and a sign that says, "Prom?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2014 ⏰

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