Hair (Pokeshipping one-shot)

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Disclaimer - I don't own the things. None of the things. Except the prompt, I guess.

Author - Warlordess

Notes - Yo, guys! This fic was created as a sample after I finished writing all my Pokeshipping Week contributions. I was still high on the awesome that is my number one OTP and I had decided to open submissions for one-word-prompts that my readers could send in. Since then, I've received (and completed drafts on) about 6-7 of them (out of 20+) but I haven't typed any up yet since I've recently decided it might be time to quit the writing game altogether due to the lack of reader response I've been getting after posting my new works/chapters.

So this sample is now being put to more use as another warning or whatever, as well as the mandatory update I'm making to multiple sites so that all of my fics are posted everywhere they can/should be. If you like this prompt, if you want to see more, if you would like the opportunity to submit your own for me to fulfill, then show me it's worth continuing to post stuff at all. Review this fic, favorite it, send me a message. Because I've drastically lost faith in myself and potential readers over the past year or two.


Title - 1WP : "hair"

Summary - Ash Ketchum can handle practically anything that gets thrown his way. But not her. Not right now. Not after some apparently significant changes in both of them. Pokeshippy one-shot.

I don't include a setting in this one minus the fact that the characters involved are obviously at a restaurant, so I'll just summarize that they're having dinner together because the characters mentioned were unable to attend Ash's latest reunion/victory party that his mom threw him.


This had never happened to him before.

Ash Ketchum had met a surplus of a couple hundred girls while on his Pokemon journey. He'd traveled with a handful of them sporadically for years. He'd even been in the company of a girl who'd done the very opposite of what Misty had apparently decided to do while she was running the Cerulean Gym...

Somehow nothing had prepared him for the sight of his redheaded friend sporting a new, lengthy do.

"Misty, it looks so good!" May crooned in admiration, even going so far as to hold up her hands and form the square she usually reserved for when she pretended to direct her expedition series.

Misty flushed, lips puckered, and sunk bashfully into her seat out of flattered embarrassment.

"Thanks, May..."

"Really though, I've seen pictures of you with short hair. How long did it take to grow out?" Dawn asked next, eyes glimmering excitedly at the conversation topic. Personal hygiene and fashion were her specialty, after all.

"Oh, a couple of years."

"Why'd you do it?" Ash interrupted rudely from across the table, clearly not thinking his tone through.

All three girls stopped their giggling and fussing and turned a collective stern gaze in his direction. He cleared his throat, awkwardly distracting himself with the glass of water the waiter had brought him a few minutes ago. He could feel Brock boring holes into the side of his head from where the older youth sat, probably internally wishing his soul luck on its trip down the River Styx since Misty was due to end his life after such a crass remark.

Oddly enough, however, the redhead subdued her rage and gave a rather eloquent (read: polite) answer.

"I just felt like trying something new, Mr. Pokemon Master. What's it to you?"

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